
Instructions for submitting testimonial.

Please feel free to send us anything describing how you have been helped by God's Kingdom Ministries, either through teachings, books, video conferences, etc. And as you write, just keep in mind that what you write is going to be helpful to other people as they read it.

If you want to submit a testimonial, use the Submit Testimonial button below. The testimonial will be reviewed before being approved and added to the section below.

Thank you for your help, support, and testimonials. God Bless!


- Testimonial by Bonnie

Dearest Brother,

To say that I am enjoying The Light From the Crack would be an understatement. This newest writing of yours seems to encompass the heart's desire of a journey that I feel many of us have been on and are still on.

I look at my personal journey, my prayers, my conversations with FATHER, the longings of my heart, my cries, my praise, my daily rituals to climb higher and deeper into an intimacy with my GOD, my Redeemer, my Creator, my Love, my Burning Passion, my Praise....they are all here in this wonderful and anointed writing.

I have spent so much time on dividing the spirit and the soul and endeavoring to embrace each, as Father created them; to understand them, but my desire is to breakthrough the gates of heaven and travel between the realms of heaven and earth, according to His Perfect Will and I confess that this has been a daily prayer for some time.

I weep at this writing and they are tears of joy and of excitement as the deep meanings lead to new ponderings. I do realize that this is a work of fiction, but it stirs deep in my spirit.

Thank you for sharing so much of yourself and may HIS Anointing be upon you as you continue this series.
Just wanted to share and hopefully encourage you.


- Testimonial by Carol

The fact that you are finally writing your "novel" is incredibly interesting and hopeful to me. I LOVE it!!!!!!!!! The tone is perfect! God is so vastly amazing!!!!!!!!!!! Maybe someday there's hope for me, too….

Thank you for Revelation(s)! I am blest beyond blest by your writings and I praise God for you. Be encouraged, Brother, to keep going in your new "revelation(s)."

As I read chapter one of your new book, I, too, had shivers. I spend a lot of time being awake at night. Father has a way of "calling" me up (a "phone" actually rings me out of sleep), so I say, "Good morning, Dear. Here I am." I've gotten in the habit of climbing out of bed, going to sit in my rocker, and making myself quiet so I can just "be" with Him and hear what He has to say to me.

Last night I went to sit and keep Him company and He reminded me: "I have called you and ordained you to bear fruit." Only, this time He said, "MUCH Fruit."

You new story is wonderful! I can hardly wait for chapter two.

- Testimonial by David H

Good Morning, Stephen!

I just wanted to let you know how much I am liking your novel. When I was younger I enjoyed very much the sharing of Frank Peretti, Richard Bach, William P. Young and a few others, and now enjoying Tom Brown Jr. but might I say that your story seems more densely packed. What I mean to say is that there seems to be no filler, and that every turn leads to a matter of spiritual import. I appreciate that about you, Stephen.

- Testimonial by David T


Your story sounds similar to the story The Shack that blessed me. I believe your story will have the same effect.

May God bless you richly,

- Testimonial by Don


Mmmm….warm while chillingly empathic, as if on the threshold of a new beginning.

A yearning of anticipation sets in.

Write on.


- Testimonial by Joe

Hi Stephen,

I’m enjoying your latest series “Light from the Crack.” Anava is describing perspectives that I’ve often pondered. What does living water “taste” like? How does it make you feel? What do you think about after you’ve had a taste? These seem like childish questions, but I take comfort in the experiences and answers from Anava and the characters he (she?) encounters. I find Anava’s journey thus far to be very revealing. I’m encouraged by what you’ve been led to write and share.

Thanks so much.

- Testimonial by Jonathan B

Hi Stephen,

I just read the first two chapters of your new series and wanted to send a note to encourage you in your new endeavour. I loved them - I found a few nuggets of revelation for myself tucked in there, and I think you will reach many people through this, in a completely different way than previously. The overall theme seems to fit quite well with where I’m at on my own journey at the moment, and I’m sure with others too.

I’m looking forward to the rest!

Jonathan B

- Testimonial by Margriet


I really liked reading your first chapter... and started translating it. This helps me to really understand what I read and ponder over it… and I couldn’t get rid of the feeling that others here in the Netherlands (that don’t read English well) would want to read this as well.


- Testimonial by Michael

I began to read your new adventure before I was aware that the words were yours. I skipped your mention of a new series in the previous weblog, and thought I was reading the real-life experience of a native American when I began reading '' Light from the Crack". I think you will have great success with this venture as you incorporate your extensive and deep Biblical revelations in the life experiences of Anava. Really looking forward to see where he takes us! I have a question or two but I'll ask them at a later date.


- Testimonial by Michael

Hi Stephen,

I have moist eyes right now….

SO as I read your Chapter 1 today, and saw that you also recognized this pearl (iniquity can only be removed by YHWH), my love of YHWH and for my desire to have His Kingdom Come today and be fully manifested on earth (and in my earthen vessel) cannot be contained. So I cry……

It’s all good. I love your story. I love your intentions / motives for it.

Thanks for always putting yourself “out there”. I read everything you blog. I have grown to understand the subtleties of your points. And, I may not always understand, but rather than dismissing new thoughts / ideas, I put them on the “shelf” to chew on later until my understanding is increased to better see / hear what you mean. I have found that we have more in common in the way we think than you realize. You’ll write something and my gut will resonate with it. Not many people have done that with me. My dad did it. Ron, Rob, and James have done it. You do it as well. I get “it”. I appreciate all that you have done. I love what you have done. Thank you….

With Love,
