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Trump is not yet impeached officially

This is one for the Supreme Court, no doubt. Although the House Democrats voted to impeach president Trump on December 18, Nancy Pelosi has refused to make it official by…

The Unhyphenated American

We need more of these. Read his article about the conservative media destroying the fake news journalists hired by the CIA's Operation Mockingbird.…

Correcting the Fake News Media

Some of you may have heard on the news that president Trump attended a World Series baseball game and was BOOED by the people. No doubt there were a few that said “boo,” and…

Trump and Barr raise the question of secularism

If you watched any of Trump’s recent speeches, you may have noticed that he made reference to the Declaration of Independence, which states that all rights come from God (not from…

The art of declaring war

Maxine Waters’ declaration of war: Waters finished with a call to action: "If you…

President Truman—Secrecy and a free, democratic government don't mix

Here’s an interesting quotation from President Truman’s biography, where he talks about the CIA that was created during his presidency, and about classified secrets in government.…

Censorship at its finest

In decades past, the Communists and Socialists fought hard to win the right to hold views that were unamerican and unpopular. They won those rights, and now that their views are…

An overview of recent history

Those who obtain their knowledge of the world only through the mainstream media and government-run educational facilities are taught only a sanitized version of reality. Yet…

Hollywood hate groups

It is interesting to see how the hate groups in America keep pointing to the peaceful groups, calling them hate groups. In psychology, it is called “Projection.” So we see that…

Congress calls for Pentagon to investigate military for weaponizing ticks with Lyme Disease

For many years some have believed that Lyme Disease was a man-made disease designed to debilitate enemy troops and to drum up more business for Big Pharma. Perhaps Congress can…

The trip so far

We had a restful night in a hotel in Yuma, Arizona and will be going into Mexico this morning to begin treatment for Darla. We have had good reports from other people who have had…

Dr. Pieczenik’s interview from 2018

I first posted this interview a year ago on August 1, 2018. It is interesting to look back at what he said in light of what has transpired a year later. Dr. Steve Pieczenik…

If you have been harmed by Roundup

Here is a claims form to fill out if you believe you have been harmed by Monsanto’s Roundup. Monsanto has already had to pay out $2 billion for health damages. Bleed them dry!…

The hidden power struggle in the US government

On February 4, 2004 the Pentagon shut down its LifeLog project. On the same day Facebook launched to replace it on behalf of the Pentagon. Facebook has succeeded where LifeLog…

Freedom and Kingdom Government

Happy Fourth of July! This is the day Americans celebrate the adoption of the Declaration of Independence in 1776, a document which essentially created a new form of government…

The Exodus from California

A few decades ago, everyone wanted to move to California. “California, Here I come,” the song said. “California or Bust,” said the sign on the car. But now that the political and…

The new political reality

With the House now controlled by the Democratic Party, and the Senate now (fully) controlled by the Republican Party, the lines have been drawn for the political battles that lie…

Going out of town, and a word about Washington

We are leaving town today to visit our first great-granddaughter in Arkansas. As usual, our boys will take care of the house and office work. We should be back in about a week.…

Trump's defining speech in five minutes

This is Trump’s 5-minute speech that defines his purpose. Because it was posted today by “Q” I think everyone should listen to it, whether you agree with it or not, as it will…

Supreme Court Justice Kennedy retires Kennedy was…

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