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How the rich and powerful bribed rappers to promote crime and violence before establishing private prisons

I have long been a critic of private prisons in America. I think that they represent a conflict of interest, since many judges and lawyers own shares of stock in those private…

The results of Relativism in the modern world

This illustrates what is happening in our schools, institutions, and government. After posting the video above, I came across…

Copy of warrant to spy on Trump

It appears that the order to spy on Trump came through the UK in the so-called “Five Eyes” program. That is the agreement where the US government spies on other countries on…

Pablo Escobar worked for the CIA?

I have met people who knew from first-hand experience that the CIA funded many of its projects through the importation and sale of drugs, especially from Colombia. This has given…

DOJ raids corrupt Chicago suburb

Chicago is one of the most corrupt cities in America, run by the Vatican and its enforcement arm, the Mafia. Two years ago the Feds raided the suburb of Cicero. A few weeks ago it…

Janet Napolitano resigns after her corruption is discovered University of California (UC) President Janet Napolitano announced her…

General Electric bankruptcy coming soon?

The accountant that uncovered the Bernie Madoff fraud is now exposing GE.

The ongoing battle to save the children

On the abortion battlefront, the giant fighting for the dark side is Planned Parenthood. Though it has been an uphill battle all the way, President Trump’s legal team is slowly…

Spygate and Corruption

Video - News update by Praying Medic released yesterday 5/14/2019 - 46 minutes long. Good Information

Clare Bronfman faints in court

Clare Bronfman appears to have been the mastermind and benefactor of the NXIVM sex cult, which was exposed last year of human trafficking. Her sister, Nancy Salzman has agreed to…

Casting out the spirits of the Babylonian rulers

Our heavenly Father called another divine court session last Saturday afternoon to bring judgment upon the evil spirits directing the 13 witchcraft families that have put the…

Justin Bieber renounces Hollywood Telling…

Gematria for French president Macron

In light of the new French Revolution that is brewing as a response to the globalist and Rothschild banking policies of President Macron, someone sent me the following analysis of…

The Senomyx dispute--You Decide

Yesterday I posted an article objecting to the use of kidney cells of aborted fetuses for use as flavor enhancers. It was then drawn to my attention that this is disputed. It…

Senomyx—making us cannibals one bite at a time龙的建造者- Every time we eat any of the food sources listed below (and any time we eat the flesh and…

Lawsuit victory proves vaccine hoax

Here is a 7-minute video of a nurse reprimanding the CDC for knowingly pushing its ineffective flu shots. Now that she has retired, she is able to speak up without being fired…

How to recognize pedophiles

It used to be that pedophilia was something that was well hidden, due to shame. But in recent decades, as Mystery Babylon has usurped law-making power from God and has worked to…

Actor Cory Feldman exposes Hollywood’s pedophilia culture Cory Feldman has been trying to expose the pedophilia in Hollywood for many years. He himself was one of many victims as a child…

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