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Introduction to Q

Here is a short but comprehensive introduction to Q, which the mainstream press fears most, because it is destroying their controlled narrative that has mesmerized the world…

Controversy within the Roman Church

Cardinal Raymond Burke and other Roman Catholics are opposing Pope Francis’ “new humanism” push which is planned for 2020. Humanism simply means putting man at the center of…

Tucker Carlson asks, Who's in charge?

Carlson is speaking in a church, telling the people that the political divide in America today is really rooted in the theological question of whether God or man is sovereign.…

Something BIG is coming

The day after the House voted to impeach the president, Q posted on December 19 in Post #3728, POTUS was not harmed in any way today other than on paper (history books).…

House Democrats vote to Impeach Trump

Here is the final result of last night’s impeachment vote. It was essentially a…

The FISA Court strikes back

Now that Inspector General Horowitz has delivered his report, the chief judge on the FISA court has felt compelled to write a letter to the FBI condemning their actions. The first…

Impeach Santa Movement

Justice and the Inspector General’s Report

The long-awaited report on FISA abuse was finally made public yesterday, December 9. It was actually foreshadowed two years earlier when Q posted a single word: “Justice” in post…

Is the Pope Catholic?

On October 14, 2016, a few weeks before the US presidential election, the New American wrote an article commenting on email correspondence released by Wikileaks in which John…

Kingdom Comments on Political Issues

The 2020 election fever is spreading, now that we have entered the final year leading up to that election. The battleground issues emerging are as follows: The Democrats are…

When will the Fed lose its sovereignty--I mean, independence?

On December 23, 1913, the Federal Reserve Act was passed, while all but five senators were home for Christmas vacation. President Wilson signed it immediately before anyone could…

Update on the attempted coup

The rulers of Babylon, known to many as the Deep State, have controlled both of the major political parties for a very long time. The presidential election of 2016, however, upset…

Dr Pieczenik shares the latest Q strategy

Dr. Pieczenik admitted in July 2018 that he was part of the Q team in his capacity as an expert in psyops. He has just put out a second short video, letting us know how the Q team…

New impeachment rules passed by the House

Democrats have been talking about impeaching President Trump since the day he was elected in 2016. At first they pursued this on the grounds that he had colluded with the…

CNN editor’s ex-wife pictured with Ghislaine Maxwell

CNN’s editor, was married to Caryn Zucker until the two separated in January 2018. It is probably…

The resumption of animals sacrifices September 25

Israeli Jews have scheduled the resumption of animal sacrifices (on the Mount of Olives) for September 25, 2019. This tramples on the blood of Christ and is the final rejection of…

Is the Perfect Storm coming?

As Hurricane Dorian churns toward the coast of Florida, it appears that it will hit as a powerful and dangerous Category 4 storm. Meanwhile,…

Trump vs the Fed

The Federal Reserve Bank was established in late 1913, and congress then gave powerful private bankers control of America’s financial system. It was the coup of the century,…

News update on political espionage

The CEO of Overstock has come forward as a whistleblower, confessing his role in political espionage in regard to the 2016 election. This is a very good video of news clips that…

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