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Watch date: The Big 70

We are now nearing the end of the first 76-day cleansing cycle for the new Prophetic Year. This Prophetic Year began November 14, 2019 and the first cleansing phase will end…

Friday the 13th spiritual attack repelled

If you have been following the news, you know that the House Democrats have timed their Trump impeachment vote to fall on Friday the 13th. While most will say it was just a…

World Trade Organization shuts down

We moved to Seattle in early November of 1993 to conduct a prayer campaign from there before moving to Minneapolis three years later (1996). On November 21-29, 1993, we…

The downfall and disgrace of Prince Andrew

In late November of 1996, the Coronation Stone was returned to Scotland, and Prince Andrew presided over the ceremony. The trip from London to Edinburgh took from November 14-20,…

The end of the wilderness

Today marks the beginning of the end of my 38-year wilderness journey since 1981. I wrote about the start of this in my book, The Wars of the Lord, chapter 1. Over the years I…

The meaning of Shiloh

Shiloh has come, at least on a prophetic level, and will emerge into the earth in the time ahead. But what is the meaning of Shiloh? The literal Hebrew meaning of the term is…

Shiloh has come

Jacob gave a mysterious prophecy in Genesis 49:10 about Judah, saying, 10 The scepter shall not depart from Judah, nor the ruler’s staff from between his feet, until Shiloh…

Prophecy from 2018 about Elijah Cummings

Here is an interesting prophecy from Dr. Patricia Green (Joy Ministries). On November 14, 2018 she prophesied against those who were working to impeach President Trump, saying…

Is Elijah Cumming?

The Democratic Representative from Baltimore, Maryland, Elijah Cummings died early today at the age of 68. He had been in the US House of Representatives since 1996.…

The Jerusalem prophecy

On September 26, 2019 some Israeli Jews sacrificed a lamb on the Mount of Olives. Here is a 16-minute video of the ceremony itself.…

Preparing for Babylon's fall

I was out of town last week preparing for the fall of Babylon. I returned home last evening. Back in 604 B.C., when God gave Jerusalem into the hands of Nebuchadnezzar, “My…

Watch date changed from September 25 to September 27

I reported on September 11 the news reporting the beginning of animal sacrifices on September 25, 2019.…

After Dorian

Hurricane Dorian created a total disaster on Abaco Island in the Bahamas. The official death toll is yet small, because the government services were also devastated, but there are…

The alternate target, the Conception

It is now clear that the dragon’s alternate target, which we were expecting, was the ship called Conception that caught fire and sank off the southern coast of California early in…

Hong Kong and Hurricane Dorian, parallels to 1997

China’s military invasion of Hong Kong and the threat from Hurricane Dorian along the East Coast suggest a repeat of events from 1997. On August 24, 2019 I set forth watch…

Personal news and watch dates

Earlier this month, Darla and I flew to Yuma, Arizona and from there crossed the border into Mexico so Darla could get stem cell treatment. Most of the time was spent in boosting…

The second bear on the prowl

In the year 2000 there was a 414-day cycle from the crash of the Concorde to the demolition of the Twin Towers on September 11, 2001. Today (8/19) it appears that another…

Know the Lord

The promises of the New Covenant are set forth in many ways. To Abraham the promise was to be a blessing to all nations (Genesis 12:3). To Moses the promise was interpreted to…

The Revelation of 7/22/19

The Twins When I went to Colorado last weekend, I had the opportunity to meet “the twins,” two girls in their early 30’s, the granddaughters of the man whose funeral I was…

The Ninth and Tenth Signs of Elisha

July 15 was a watch date this year, as it has been since 2010 when the Gulf oil spill was capped. That was nine years ago. It is hard to believe that so much time has passed since…

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