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Taking time off this week

I will be taking a few days off this week for fellowship with friends. I don't think I will be writing a blog until later on in the week. Have a Happy New Year.

The seed of Abraham (song)

Good song; great message. I hope they know that the stars of heaven and sand of the sea far outnumber the number total number of people ever born in the earth. This is about the…

Secrets of Time--Spanish translation completed

A volunteer has translated Secrets of Time into Spanish, and we have just finished posting it to our website.…

Commentary on Ruth now available

Ruth: Redemption and Sonship is now available for $15 each (postage paid for domestic orders; please add $10 for foreign orders). It is 119 pages long. You can see a picture of…

Commentary on Jude now available

My latest commentary on Jude is now available in spiral format and should be posted in the store shortly. If you want an early copy, let me know. It is about 80 pages long, and…

New Video -- Tim Atkinson Interview: Evidence of Giants; Stem Cells

08/05/2019 - Interview with Tim Atkinson: Evidence of Giants; Stem Cells Dr. Jones interviews Dr. Tim Atkinson about his findings with relation to giants, and about a stem…

Video Plans for August

My wife, Darla, has had a problem in her right hip for the past year and the orthopedist says she needs a hip replacement. We decided to try a hip rejuvenation through stem cell…

New Video -- Interview with Erin Duncan

07/26/2019 - Interview with Erin Duncan Dr. Jones interviews his daughter Erin Duncan about her work at a pregnancy clinic. To view the video, click the button below…

New Video -- Interview with Robert and Jackie Magnuson

07/03/2019 - Interview with Robert and Jackie Magnuson Dr. Jones interviews his friends Robert and Jackie Magnuson. To view the video, click the button below View…

Field Trip tomorrow

The Pentecost conference in Charlotte, NC, advertised on the banner on the front page of our website, is scheduled for next week end, June 7-9. Darla and I will be leaving on…

New Video -- Interview with Joseph Worth

04/15/2019 - Interview with Joseph Worth Dr. Jones interviews Joseph Worth. (This interview was recorded on 04/06/2019 but was posted on Youtube on 04/13/2019 and made public…

Private message to Yara

If I have misspelled your name, I apologize, Yara. We interceded for you this afternoon while you were conducting an unholy ceremony, and you manifested in our presence as we…

No blog today

This is just to let you know that I won't have time to write a weblog today. We have company today from out of town, and I also had some important business to attend to that took…

Private message to the Sorcerer

To the Sorcerer, You should not have tried to extend the time allotted to the beasts. You gave them a false prophecy which gave them false hope, even as the prophets of Ahab…

Home Again

We arrived home safely last night. I had many urgent things to do today and did not find time to do a weblog. The weather also slowed me down as I went to the print shop to pick…

Payseur family history

For those who want to study more on the Payseur family history:

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