WebLog Archive for
October, 2015
Below are all the WebLogs posted in October for the year 2015. Simply click on a post to view it.
- 10/24/2015 - A doctor complains about falsified data from the CDC
- 10/23/2015 - The virgin birth and Jesus' soul
- 10/22/2015 - Schedule for Davao meetings in the Philippines
- 10/22/2015 - Christ the Mediator healing all creation
- 10/21/2015 - Israeli General Yussi Elon Shahak commanding ISIS captured by Iraqi forces--and other news
- 10/20/2015 - The Mask of God
- 10/19/2015 - Video of Keshe Foundation peace conference from October 16, 2015
- 10/19/2015 - Marriage and the Trinity
- 10/17/2015 - Personal News
- 10/16/2015 - The true source of Washington's Power
- 10/16/2015 - Let Freedom Ring TODAY
- 10/15/2015 - News reports and prophecy
- 10/14/2015 - Begotten Not Made, Final
- 10/13/2015 - The Truth about Cancer
- 10/13/2015 - Begotten Not Made, Part 2
- 10/12/2015 - Begotten Not Made
- 10/10/2015 - Divine Court appeal for God's Visitation
- 10/09/2015 - US dollar gets another paper cut
- 10/09/2015 - US says Edward Snowden won’t be tortured if he returns to face trial
- 10/09/2015 - Court Case of the Council of the Lord
- 10/08/2015 - Iraq invites Russia to bomb ISIS
- 10/08/2015 - The prophetic picture emerging
- 10/07/2015 - Conference Report