Nov 2019
Jack Smith passed away at the age of 78 on November 1, 2019 after suffering from a massive stroke a couple of weeks ago. Jack ta…
Nov 2019
Dr. Pieczenik admitted in July 2018 that he was part of the Q team in his capacity as an expert in psyops. He has just put out a…
Nov 2019
Some years ago, I published an article showing how the western oil barons wanted to build a pipeline from Egypt to Turkey but th…
Nov 2019
Some believe that the national repentance that is coming will begin with the LBGT community. If that discernment is true, perhap…
Nov 2019
One of the first goals of the CIA after they were created in the early 1950’s was to infiltrate the news media and use them as t…
Nov 2019
Democrats have been talking about impeaching President Trump since the day he was elected in 2016. At first they pursued this on…
Oct 2019
Jesus told the Samaritan woman at the well that the day would come when they would all worship God in spirit and in truth. They …
Oct 2019
Israeli embassies around …