Aug 2019
In the year 2000 there was a 414-day cycle from the crash of the Concorde to the demolition of the Twin Towers on September 11, …
Aug 2019
If we set aside, for the moment, what later church leaders said about Jesus, let us focus on what Jesus said about Himself in re…
Aug 2019
The accountant that uncovered the Bernie Madoff fraud is now exposing GE.…
Aug 2019
We come now to the most controversial aspect of our sequence. What does the Father-Son relationship mean in terms of the nature …
Aug 2019
Genesis 1:26, 27 says,
26 Then God said, “Let Us make man [awdawm] in our image [tselem, “shadow, profile, image”], according t…
Aug 2019
The media has often complained that President Trump was not being “presidential.” It seems that the “presidential” look has been…
Aug 2019
Paul tells us in Romans 4:17 KJV,
17 (As it is written, I have made thee a father of many nations) before him whom he believed,…