Jul 2019
The promises of the New Covenant are set forth in many ways. To Abraham the promise was to be a blessing to all nations (Genesis…
Jul 2019
The Twins
When I went to Colorado last weekend, I had the opportunity to meet “the twins,” two girls in their early 30’s, the g…
Jul 2019
Trip Report
I got back from Colorado last evening. The memorial service went well. I spoke for a few minutes on the difference …
Jul 2019
According to a former Google programmer, their censoring resulted in a minimum of 2.6 million votes for Hillary Clinton in the 2…
Jul 2019
As I mentioned last week, I will be flying to Denver later today to officiate at a memorial service for a friend who wanted me t…
Jul 2019
On February 4, 2004 the Pentagon shut down its LifeLog project. On the same day Facebook launched to replace it on behalf of the…
Jul 2019
At this rate, it won’t take long for Deutsche Bank to close its doors. They are bleeding cash to the tune of a billion dollars a…
Jul 2019
July 15 was a watch date this year, as it has been since 2010 when the Gulf oil spill was capped. That was nine years ago. It is…