Dec 2018
The Dispensationalists in the 1800’s divided time into the following ages:
1. Innocence - Adam2. Conscience - After man sinned,…
Dec 2018
In light of the new French Revolution that is brewing as a response to the globalist and Rothschild banking policies of Presiden…
Dec 2018
When Darby developed his idea of Dispensationalism in the 1850’s, he seemed to know little or nothing about the feast of Taberna…
Dec 2018
Having laid out the panorama of history, let us look at the broad structure of the ages within that big picture.
During the Dar…
Dec 2018
Interview with Dr. Tim Atkinson - Part 1
Dr. Jones Interviews Dr. Tim Atkinson about his beginnings in Naturopathic and Energ…
Dec 2018
Daniel 7 speaks of a “little horn” that was to extend Roman rule after the fall of the Roman empire in 476 A.D.
The little horn…
Dec 2018
As I drove home from the office last evening, it occurred to me that I ought to explain further the principle of Cursed Time, be…
Dec 2018
Former president (41) George H. W. Bush was said to have died at 10:10 pm the night of November 30, 2018.
His nickname at Yale …