Nov 2018
Our trip to Australia and New Zealand in Feb-March will be a teaching tour. In my last weblog I may have given the impression th…
Nov 2018
In 1971 President Nixon announced wage and price controls. It was not long before store shelves were empty, and no one wanted to…
Nov 2018
On November 10 I reported that friends of mine were stuck in traffic while evacuating from Paradise, California as a deadly fire…
Nov 2018
The first sin caused Adam to incur a debt that he could not pay. God was not taken by surprise, of course, so the plan of redemp…
Nov 2018
One’s worldview of the universe and of man himself will determine the solution to the problems of pain, sin and evil, and the on…
Nov 2018
The Greek philosopher, Plato, taught that man does not create anything but simply makes copies of reality. Reality, to him, was …
Nov 2018
Here is why one should be careful of allowing banks to hold your assets. You simply cannot trust them, because if they hold it, …
Nov 2018
Did you know…