Aug 2007
When Paul and Barnabas returned to Antioch to give their missionary report, they were told how God "had opened the door of faith…
Aug 2007
In his History of the Christian Church Philip Schaff assumes (without even attempting to prove it) that the …
Aug 2007
John Lewis had a vision of the collapsing bridge in Minneapolis back on November 30, 2005. That date happened to be President Ge…
Aug 2007
Last evening a major eight-lane bridge on Interstate 35W collapsed into the Mississippi River, tossing about 50 cars into the wa…
Aug 2007
A group of 30 evangelicals have recently written to Presid…
Aug 2007
We know very little about Paul's personal life. Perhaps this is because the gospels were written by men. Certainly, women would …
Aug 2007
In Acts 2:10 we find both "Jews and proselytes" from Rome witnessing the fulfillment of Pentecost when they all heard God speaki…
Jul 2007
Britain in the first century was ripe for the Gospel. Though the common people spoke their own local language, their intellectua…