May 2007
In the fall of 1995 Brother Yun was speaking at a house church gathering in central China. He had been given a burden for the Mu…
May 2007
Brother Yun's bold escape from the prison greatly embarrassed the Chinese authorities, and they launched a huge manhunt to find …
May 2007
When Brother Yun escaped from the Zhengzhou Prison in China by simply walking out the iron gates, the other Christian prisoners …
May 2007
The idea of a unified house church movement frightened the Chinese government, and an all-out effort to arrest the house church …
May 2007
On March 20, 2007 I wrote a web log quoting from Megashift, by James Rutz, in regard to the unification of China's house ch…
May 2007
While Brother Yun was in the prison labor camp in China, he began doing massages as an excuse to pray for the sick. He was soon …
May 2007
Here is an interesting article showing how the treasury department was challenged by subpoena to show a Statute allowi…
May 2007
In October of 1984, Brother Yun was sentenced to just four years to prison, accused of being a “counter-revolutionary&rdqu…