May 2006
Bible critics often point to the seeming discrepancy in Jesus' genealogy in the accounts of Matthew and Luke. Matthew's genealog…
May 2006
On the AOL news today is an interesting article relating to what I have written in the past about Iraq splitting into three part…
Apr 2006
I will be out of town Saturday, April 29, and will not be able to write a web log that day.
Meanwhile, the U.N. deadline was re…
Apr 2006
One hundred years ago this month, the Azusa Street revival began in Los Angeles, which brought Pentecost to the world. It came t…
Apr 2006
There is a basic difference between the government of the Kingdom of God and the governments of man. Both apply to the earth and…
Apr 2006
The Kingdom of God extends throughout both heaven and earth. Heaven is not "up there" nor is earth "down here." These are terms …
Apr 2006
My weblog from April 11 mentioned that we had a supply of potassium iodate for $15/bottle of 180 tablets to be taken if or …
Apr 2006
T. Austin Sparks, Power with God.
"God must eventually be vindicated in creation by glorifying humanity. …