Sep 2018
A horse named Barack Obama was euthanized in France on September 14 after being treated for kidney stones. The news article was …
Sep 2018
Every year we watch the Derby, Preakness, and Belmont Stakes to see if a horse wins the Triple Crown.
This year we saw a horse …
Sep 2018
If the Democrats are appeased with an FBI investigation of the allegations leveled against Brett Kavanaugh, how would this help …
Sep 2018
Today is the 150th day since Emmett Flood joined President Trump’s legal team on May 2, 2018.
To put it in prophetic terms, tod…
Sep 2018
Last night was unusually active, spiritually speaking. As I was drifting to sleep, God began to talk to me about the difference …
Sep 2018
In a meeting (October 2009) with 99 year old Welsh Ap…
Sep 2018
The original fear was that Kavanaugh might be the deciding vote to overturn Roe v Wade and disrupt the Molech’s abortion industr…
Sep 2018
Most you know that the abortion industry makes money on selling baby parts. The Trump administration is taking steps to stop enc…