We Thank You For Your Donation.
God's Kingdom Ministries is a Teaching Ministry. It is our earnest desire and effort to make these teachings available to humanity for free. Because of the internet we are able to do so. All of our books and teachings are available for free on our website to who so ever will come and partake. Please share with as many as you can what has been made available here for them. It is by your help in the form of prayer and donations that we are able to continue this work, and have the impact that we and you have been blessed to be part of.
Please know that in praying for the work of this ministry and in making your donations, you are as much a part of this ministry and work and all that it is, as we are, and without your help we could not continue sharing what God has freely given.
We thank you in advance for your generous help and donation.
God Bless you!