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Moses' sixth speech, Part 4, Collateral damage is unacceptable to God

Moses finishes his sixth speech with one more restriction in the laws of war. He says in Deuteronomy 20:19 and 20, 19 When you besiege a city a long time, to make war against it…

Moses' sixth speech, Part 3, Enforcing justice by war

The laws of war do not allow for unprovoked attacks, nor do they allow war without first negotiating peace. Moses says in Deuteronomy 20:10 and 11, 10 When you approach a city…

Moses' sixth speech, Part 2, Eligibility for battle

Before going into battle, whether it is an earthly war or spiritual warfare in the heavens, God says that a priest was to inform the prospective warriors that the battle was just…

Moses' sixth speech, Part 1, Just wars

The laws of war are mainly recorded in Deuteronomy 20. According to Ferrar Fenton’s outline of Deuteronomy, this section is Moses’ sixth speech. What is a Just War? The…

Moses' fifth speech, Final, Unsolved murder

Moses continues his fifth speech in Deuteronomy 21, turning his attention to the problem of unsolved murder. 1 If a slain person is found lying in the open country in the land…

Moses' fifth speech, Part 23, The order of the text

We have now finished the 19th chapter of Deuteronomy, where Moses spent considerable time speaking about the laws of murder and homicide. Chapter 20 deals with the laws of war,…

Moses' fifth speech, Part 22, False witnesses

The importance of the law of witnesses applies also to situations where someone bears a false witness. The Ninth Commandment says, “You shall not bear false witness against your…

Moses' fifth speech, Part 21, More about witnesses

Witnesses are needed to establish truth on the earth. This law permeates all aspects of life and every manner of obtaining truth, including the guidance of the Holy Spirit. There…

Moses' fifth speech, Part 20, Law of witnesses

Moses emphasized the seriousness of premeditated murder by solemnly warning judges not to reduce the sentence of the law. However, he then balanced his admonition with the law of…

Moses' fifth speech, Part 19, Boundary markers

After speaking on the subject of murder and the difference between accidental and premeditated homicide, Moses then makes a short statement that almost seems to be out of place in…

Moses' fifth speech, Part 18, Premeditated murder

In Deuteronomy 19:11-13 Moses speaks of premeditated murder in contrast to accidental homicide. 11 But if there is a man who hates his neighbor and lies in wait for him and…

Moses' fifth speech, Part 17, The purpose of cities of refuge

Moses concludes his remarks on cities of refuge in Deuteronomy 19:7-10, 7 Therefore I command you, saying, “You shall set aside three cities for yourself.” 8 And if the Lord…

Moses' fifth speech, Part 16 Redeemer of blood

Where the law imposes the death penalty, it implicitly recognizes that justice cannot be given to the victims of injustice. For this reason, the court in essence defers the case…

Moses' fifth speech, Part 15, Cities of refuge

In measuring liability for sin, God’s law makes provision for mercy, based upon one’s level of authority, knowledge, and intent (Luke 12:47, 48). However, such mercy is placed in…

Moses' fifth speech, Part 14, False prophets

After prophesying of another prophet like Moses whom God would raise up, Moses then warns of false prophets who would try to fulfill the prophecy. Deuteronomy 18:20-22 says, 20…

Moses' fifth speech, Part 13, A prophet like Moses

In the early part of Deuteronomy 18, Moses speaks of the authority of priests who were intercessors between God and men. Then he warns of the lawless manner of intercession, which…

Moses' fifth speech, Part 12, Spiritual boundaries

The fifth speech of Moses is about government. After speaking about kings and priests, Moses then turns his attention to unlawful ways of governing. There are spiritual boundaries…

Moses' fifth speech, Part 11, Priestly duties and salaries

There were two classes of Levites. The direct descendants of Aaron were the priests, while the rest of the tribe assisted. The Levites as a whole were employed as town…

Moses' fifth speech, Part 10, Priestly inheritance

After discussing the moral and spiritual requirements for kings, Moses discusses the priests and how they differed from the other Israelites. Deuteronomy 18:1 and 2 says, 1 The…

Moses' fifth speech, Part 9, Write your own copy of the law

The next instruction that Moses gives to the future kings of Israel is given in Deuteronomy 17:18-20, 18 Now it shall come about when he sits on the throne of his kingdom, he…