1200 Washington Avenue South, Minneapolis, MN 55415
Our next Restoration Meeting is scheduled for Sunday, January 12, 2014 9:30 am--4:30 pm, at the same location we have been meeting at. We meet on the second floor and there is an elevator. It is manned by Security.
U of MN Supercomputer Center
1200 Washington Avenue South
Minneapolis, MN 55415
Confirmed Speakers:
- Stephen Jones
- Ron Oja
- other(s)
Again, we will follow the itinerary that we have had in the recent past:
9:30 am--10:30 am - open / meet-and-greet
10:30 am--12:00 pm - Stephen Jones
12:00 pm-- 1:00 pm - pot luck luncheon
1:15 pm-- 2:45 pm - Ron Oja
2:45 pm-- 4:30 pm - fellowship, music and sharing
Please bring a dish to share (pot luck) and serving utensils. If your dish to pass contains pork or shrimp, please label your dish accordingly. If you invite others, please ask them to share a dish also. Thank you in advance for your clean-up contributions . . . that way a few people don't get overloaded.
- Aaron Niska
- #35W
- Washington Avenue exit--go north
(building is on the first block, going north, on Washington Avenue
(across the street--east side--from Bobbie & Steve's / Mobil gas station)
Questions regarding the meeting can be directed to Aaron Niska, 612-599-1566.