Sep 08th 9:30 am - 4:30 pm
1200 Washington Avenue South, Minneapolis, MN 55415

Our next Restoration Meeting is scheuled for Sunday, September 08, 2013, 9:30 am--4:30 pm, at the same location we have been meeting at. We meet on the second floor and there is an elevator. It is manned by Security.
    U of MN Supercomputer Center
    1200 Washington Avenue South
    Minneapolis, MN 55415

Based on the positive feedback from our last meeting, we will once again follow the same itinerary:
    10:30 am--12:00 pm - Stephen will speak
    12:00 pm-- 1:00 pm - pot luck luncheon
      1:15 pm-- 2:45 pm - Ron will speak
      2:45 pm-- 4:30 pm - fellowship, music and sharing

Please bring a dish to share (pot luck) and serving utensils. If you invite others, please ask them to share a dish also. Thank you in advance for your clean-up contributions . . . that way a few people don't get overloaded. Most of us follow Bible food laws, so bring biblically-clean food only, please. For example, no pork in the beans, no lard in anything, no shrimp salad, etc. Thank you.

Confirmed Speakers:
    - Stephen Jones
    - Ron Oja
    - other(s)

    - Aaron Niska

    - #35W
    - Washington Avenue exit--go north
        (building is on the first block, going north, on Washington Avenue
        (across the street--east side--from Bobbie & Steve's / Mobil gas station)

Questions regarding the meeting can be directed to Aaron Niska, 612-599-1566.
