Restoration Meeting -- Sunday December 13, 2015 -- NEW LOCATION AND TIME

Restoration Meeting -- Sunday December 13, 2015 -- NEW LOCATION AND TIME

Dec 13th 11:00 am - 4:00 pm
15600 Hwy 7, Minnetonka, MN

The next local restoration meeting will be Sunday December 13, 2015


LOCATION: Christos Greek Restaurant
                  15600 Hwy 7
                  Minnetonka, MN

Located on north side of Hwy 7 about a mile west of 494, just past Highland.

There is a turn-off to the restaurant. Plan to eat lunch there.

TIME: 11 a.m. to 4 pm Meeting will start at 11:30 a.m.

We will interrupt the meeting to place lunch orders about noon. Meals will be served about 12:30 pm.

Stephen and Ron confirmed speakers. Possibly Paul Kyle also.
