Deuteronomy Books 3 and 4 available for purchase - Not in store

September 9, 2013

Deuteronomy Books 3 and 4 available for purchase - Not in store

September 09, 2013 at 2:50 PM

Although the Deuteronomy Books 3 and 4 aren't available on Bible Study Storehouse yet, they are available for purchase directly from Dr. Stephen Jones.

Both books are $15 each, plus $5 postage.

To purchase either book, follow these instructions:

You may order directly from Dr. Stephen Jones via email, which is godskingdm(at), but replace the (at) with @ (we do it this way to prevent bots from spamming the email), and send payment through our "Donation" button at the bottom right of our front page. Or you can order by mail from God's Kingdom Ministries, 6201 University Ave. NE, Fridley, MN 55432.


Book 3:

Deuteronomy: The Second Law
Speech 3
Why Israel was Chosen


Book 4:

Deuteronomy: The Second Law
Speech 4
The Way of Life for the Sons of God
