New Menu Item under "Daily WebLogs"

September 22, 2012

New Menu Item under "Daily WebLogs"

September 22, 2012 at 4:08 PM

We were finding that some users didn't realize you could click on the word "Daily WebLogs" on the main menu, and instead thought they had to click on the sub-menu items; those that have the year, and the Blog Archive. Because they didn't realize they could click on the main menu item "Daily WebLogs", we added a new sub-menu item at the top of the list titled: "The Daily List", which will, hopefully, cause people to go to the active list that has the most recent 5 blog entries, and previous and next buttons at the bottom to allow them to step through all blog entries. These pages are faster than clicking on the blog archive pages, because more has to be loaded on the archive pages.

So please, if you haven't been using "The Daily List", please start using it, as you will find the site faster and more responsive.

The yearly list and the Blog Archive items are where you can find complete lists of blog entries, but keep in mind that they take a little longer to load.
