Updates from GKM Admin

Sep 9, 2016

Updates from GKM Admin

September 09, 2016 at 1:54 PM

We wanted to get you some quick updates regarding the bookstore and some upcoming server updates later on tonight.

Regarding the bookstore

We have had a few random issues with the PayPal checkout module on the bookstore that sometimes causes the payment to go through without creating an order on the store itself. Rest assured, if your payment went through, you will still receive the books, and an order will be manually created on the store until we resolve this issue (no worries, you will not be double-charged).

Also, if anyone has had an experience on the store that has left them confused, or had any other form of bad experience, please give us your feedback so we can help to improve it however possible. This store is still new, so it will take some time to refine everything, and work out all of the bugs. Please bear with us during this time, and feel free to give whatever feedback you have by emailing us at godskingdom490(at)gmail.com, but replace (at) with the @ symbol on your keyboard. You can also submit a ticket at gkmsupport.freshdesk.com, both of them will reach us either way, so it's up to whatever you prefer.

One of the things we will be doing is releasing instructional videos on spots where someone might become confused, so again, please let us know if any area of the store is confusing for you, so we know which areas to focus on.

Server Updates at 8 PM CDT

We will be performing server updates later on tonight at 8 PM CDT. These updates will hopefully help improve the speed of the site, and there will be a minimum of 30 to 45 minutes downtime while the updates are being performed. Please check back after 9 PM CDT and everything should be back up and running.

As always, these updates and the bookstore are part of our continued endeavor to make GKM as easy to use and user-friendly as possible.

If anyone has any questions or comments, you can always feel free to contact us via either of the two methods listed above.

GKM Admin 
