Updates from GKM Admin - Store Live!

Aug 15, 2016

Updates from GKM Admin - Store Live!

August 15, 2016 at 1:07 AM

Online store live!

The new online store is now live!

You can access it by using the Store link in the header nav.

You can view the original blog post containing details about the store by clicking here.

This is the initial release of the store, and we will be refining details over time, and adding more products (such as audio downloads) over time as well. If you have any questions or problems, please contact us using the Contact Us link at the top bar in the store.


Malachi book available for online viewing.

Malachi-3d.pngThe Malachi: God's Messenger book is now available for online viewing!

Physical book is available for purchase here.

Kindle version of the book is available for purchase here.

You can view it by going to the Books page, or by clicking here.
