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We have two mottos:

Serious Bible Study
Truth in Love

This site is very large, because we have posted the contents of all of our books, so that they may be read online or downloaded into your computer free of charge.

This site is not designed to evangelize unbelievers. It is designed to teach the Scriptures to those who already believe and want to learn the foundations and goals of their faith. Our goal is to help people grow spiritually “to a mature man, to the measure of the stature which belongs to the fulness of Christ” (Ephesians 4:13).

We believe that every believer has a calling that falls into one of the general categories of the five-fold ministry listed in Ephesians 4:11: apostles, prophets, evangelists, pastors, and teachers. Before anyone can be truly effective in one’s calling, it is necessary to learn and to grow into some level of spiritual maturity. While we cannot train people by life experience—God trains each person directly by Himself—we offer training in the knowledge of the Word, so that everyone can be more effective in whatever callings they may have.

What is your purpose and goal? If your goal is simply to “be saved” (justified by faith), then you may have little or no need for this site. But if your goal is to grow into spiritual maturity by the study of the Word and to gain understanding of the mind of God through Christ, I believe we have much to offer. We teach what we believe seminaries and Bible Colleges (and even churches) ought to teach, with the exception of Hebrew and Greek language, which we are not equipped to teach at this time. The main difference is that we do this with very little cost to you.

Though we do accept donations, we offer everything free of charge and never solicit donations beyond having a simple “Donation” button on the front page of our website. Our donors are the ones who make this all possible, because they desire to help others grow and learn. Our books are copyrighted only to prevent others from using them for commercial purposes to make money. Our copyrights should not be understood as a personal restriction, as we want everyone to have full access to the biblical knowledge contained in the books.

Though we have a mailing list, we have no memberships, nor do we claim to be “the true church.” We point to Christ alone, and pray that everyone asks Him to enroll their names in “the General Assembly and Church of the First-born” in heaven (Hebrews 12:23).

How to navigate this site

[This section written by GKM Admin]

Every section of this site is accessible through the Header Nav. All of the primary Header Nav items and their sub-items are clickable, and will take you to that section of the site upon clicking them. There are many Instructions written to help with questions regarding usage of this site; if you find something that you think should be added to the Instructions, or need help with something that is not answered in the Instructions page, feel free to send us a ticket at our Support Desk.

Below is an outline of the primary sections of the site.

  • Daily WebLogs - If you click on the Daily WebLogs item, you will be taken to a list of the most recent blog posts from Dr. Jones. You can click on the "Next" button at the bottom of the list to view older posts. The sub-item "The Daily List" is the same as "Daily WebLogs" so no matter which one you click on, you will be taken to the same place. If you click on any of the years under Daily WebLogs, you will be taken to the blog archive for that year, where you can view all posts for that year, organized by month.

  • Teachings - This is a primary Header Nav item that contains all of the subsections for all of Dr. Jones' various material. If you click on Teachings in the Header Nav, you will be taken to an index page containing links to each of the subsections.
    • Books - This section contains all of Dr. Jones books, available to read for free online. You can also purchase the book in print from the GKM Store. You can also view certain books in different languages if they have been translated, in the Translated Books section.
    • Teaching Series - This section contains groups of teachings that were written in Dr. Jones' blog, and needed to be spread out over multiple parts. Some of these are made into books, while others are kept as stand-alone Teaching Series.
    • FFI Newsletter - We send out a monthly newsletter called the Foundation For Intercession. If you click on the FFI Newsletter header item, you can read every newsletter that has been sent out for free online. You can subscribe to this newsletter for free to receive a copy of the FFI Newsletter every month when it is sent out.
    • Audios - This section contains audios of various teachings. The entire list of audios is going to be completely reworked and remastered, from the existing audios, to audios that were not previously available.
    • Videos - This section contains links to various videos, including Conferences, and links to the GKM YouTube and Vimeo channels.
    • Conference Center - This section contains information about Conferences either hosted by GKM, or that Dr. Jones has spoke at. This section will also be updated with the latest conference information, as a conference approaches.
    • Tracts - This section contains all of the tracts that Dr. Jones has written, available to read for free online, or to purchase in print.
    • Articles and Poetry - This section contains a few smaller articles, some of which were written by Dr. Jones, while others were written by someone else.
    • Downloads - This section contains miscellaneous downloads.
  • Store - This section contains all products available to order from GKM. If you click the purchase button on any book in the Books section of the site, for example, you will be taken to the book's page on the Store to purchase that book.

  • News - This primary section acts as a container for the 3 following subsections:
    • Site News - This section contains news relating specifically to the GKM Website. If there is a site update, new feature, etc., it will be posted here.
    • Events - This page contains a calendar of upcoming events, including Conferences.
    • Watch Dates - This page contains a calendar specifically pertaining to any dates we are watching for prophetic purposes. If you click on an entry on the calendar, it will bring you to a details page explaining that watch date.
  • About - This section contains many different subsections including about pages for Dr. Jones, the GKM Logo, and the GKM Site, our Statement of Beliefs, Testimonials, an Image Gallery, a Contact page for Dr. Jones and for GKM Support, a Help that also contains Instructions and FAQs, and a Friends page containing links to some other sites that are friends of GKM.

  • Search - This page contains a search bar to search the entire site using a search query.

  • Donate - This page contains a donate button for any of you who feel lead to donate to GKM.

This gives you an outline of how the site is structured, but always feel free to click around and see what you find, and hopefully this outline helps you find areas you might not have known about before.

[End of "How to navigate this site"]

The Books

Because we have so many books, it can be overwhelming or discouraging for some of you to know where to begin. For this reason, we have tried to organize the books by category, so that each of you can decide where to begin according to your level of knowledge.

It would be difficult to categorize our books according to Law, Prophecy, Gospels, or Epistles, because the books attempt to present a full and balanced view that takes into account all of these aspects of Scripture. For example, if we were to expound on the law of restitution in Exodus 22:1-3, we must also see its application in prophecy from the prophets and gain understanding and clarity from the gospels and epistles in order to get a full and balanced view of the original law as given by Moses.

Recommended Order of Study

The Feasts of the Lord A short summary (brochure) of the three main feasts, focusing on the New Covenant way of keeping the feasts.

God's Promise to You An evangelism tool (brochure) on how to evangelize using the New Covenant.

The Laws of the Second Coming A thorough study of Israel’s feasts and their prophetic significance to the second coming of Christ. Most Christians know that Passover showed the timing of Christ’s death on the cross in His first appearance; but few understand the meaning of Trumpets, the Day of Atonement, and the Feast of Tabernacles. This book also teaches the laws of Sonship and the Manchild.

Further Reading:

The Rapture in the Light of Tabernacles The resurrection is the fulfillment of the Feast of Trumpets, and the “catching away” of the saints is the fulfillment of the Feast of Tabernacles.

The Restoration of All Things The Bible says that every knee will bow to Jesus Christ and that God has committed to Jesus all judgment. How will God accomplish this purpose? Will He do this by refusing to judge mankind for sin? Or will He restore all things through His judgments?

Further Reading:

The Judgments of the Divine Law This book devotes a separate chapter to each of the words translated “hell” in the NT: Tartarus, Gehenna, and Hades. It also deals with the biblical nature of the “lake of fire” and its duration as eonian. It concludes with a historical chapter showing what many of the early Church fathers believed.

Creation’s Jubilee This book deals with the sovereignty of God and the Restoration of All Things, which is God's overall purpose in history. It also gives little known Church history showing how these vital teachings were lost in the fifth century. It explains the three resurrections of barley, wheat, and grape companies in a general overview.

The Two Covenants A study of the differences between the two covenants.

The Struggle for the Birthright This 229-page book shows the origins of the Middle East conflict today beginning with the book of Genesis. Only by understanding the story of Jacob and Esau and the history of Esau’s descendants (Edom) can we begin to know the real story that most prophecy teachers have missed.

Further Reading:

The Sons of God This is a basic primer for the message of Sonship, taken from both the Old and New Testaments.

Who is a Jew? In Romans 2:28, 29 Paul tells us who IS a Jew and who is NOT a Jew. God’s answer to this question cannot be obtained by looking at one’s genetics, but the lawful requirements of citizenship in the Kingdom.

Who is an Israelite? This 60-page book is a natural sequel to the book, Who is a Jew? It traces the natural Israelites (i.e., ex-Israelites of the dispersion) from Israel to Assyria and on into Europe and elsewhere.

Paul’s Epistle to the Saints in Rome (2 books) [Book 1 - Book 2]

Galatians: Paul Corrects the Distorted Gospel (1 book)

Hebrews: Immigrating from the Old Covenant to the New (1 book)

The Ten CommandmentsA complete chapter is devoted to each of the Commandments, giving a comprehensive summary of the law and how it applies to daily life and to government.

Further Reading:

Deuteronomy: The Second Law (10 books) [Book 1, Book 2, Book 3, Book 4, Book 5, Book 6, Book 7, Book 8, Book 9, Book 10]

The Biblical Meaning of Numbers from One to Forty (self explanatory)

Hearing God’s Voice What it means biblically and experientially to hear the voice of God and to walk in the Spirit of revelation, and avoid hearing the idols of the heart.

The Wars of the Lord, A Short History of Spiritual Warfare in Our TimeThis 255-page book gives 51 short chapters summarizing the spiritual warfare that I experienced from 1981-2008.

Further Reading:

The 1986 Vision of the Two Gulf Wars This booklet is my account of a 1986 vision of the two Gulf Wars.

The Prophetic Roots of Modern Abortion This booklet tells the story of what occurred in 1985 that revealed how the Church under Pentecost aborted and miscarried the Manchild.

Secrets of Time The revelation of timing, as revealed in the Scriptures and in history. It reveals the importance of October 1986 as the 120th Jubilee from Adam and the legal declaration of the Jubilee in fall of 1996.

Daniel: Prophet of the Ages (3 books) [Book 1, Book 2, Book 3]

Further Reading:

Daniel’s Seventy Weeks: How it Shapes Modern Eschatology (1 book)

Malachi: God’s Messenger (1 book) This prophet prepares the way for the events of the New Testament and has an interim message between Daniel and Revelation.

Dr. Luke: Healing the Breaches (8 books) [Book 1, Book 2, Book 3, Book 4, Book 5, Book 6, Book 7, Book 8The story of the life of Jesus and His message.

The Revelation (8 books) [Book 1, Book 2, Book 3, Book 4, Book 5, Book 6, Book 7, Book 8This completes the revelation of prophetic history which Daniel started.

Church History

Lessons from Church History Volume 1: The Apostolic Period (33-100 A.D.)

Lessons from Church History Volume 2: The Jewish Revolts (66-135 A.D.)

Lessons from Church History, Volume 3: Organizing Under Pressure (100-192 A.D.)

Lessons from Church History, Volume 4: The Rise of Papal Supremacy (193-313 A.D.)

A Short History of Universal Reconciliation

The Prophetic History of the United States

Other books may be read online for further studies.