Chapter 22: Renewal

Chapter 22


Newkirk had been delivered from evil that most of the people never suspected even to exist. They had been told that such evils existed in Cosmos, but certainly not in Newkirk. But when the mayor and the judge fled the town, the same day their offices and homes were investigated, and all manner of new evidence was discovered. Those forced to work at the brothel were released, and arrangements were made by concerned citizens to care for them until they could find purpose in life.

What angered the citizens of Newkirk most, perhaps, was the hypocrisy. It was discovered that the mayor of Newkirk had made an alliance with the mayor of Cosmos, 235 and that both of them had retained their power through the Rhodomon Society. Both mayors had agreed to criticize each other in order to make themselves look good in the eyes of their own townspeople, while at the same time they were secret allies.

Word spread quickly through Newkirk about the attempted trial held in secret, how the trial had been foiled by the testimonies of unexpected witnesses, and how the mayor and the judge had fled. It was not long before a great crowd of people had gathered in the town square to hear the news and to see for themselves what was transpiring.

It became necessary, then, to inform the people in order to prevent rumor and gossip from tainting the truth. A makeshift platform was hastily erected in the square, and Joshua stood upon it to address the people.

“People of Newkirk,” he began, “listen to me. Important events have occurred today, which will forever change our town. The Creator has intervened in our affairs in order to fulfill His vow to make us His people. Great evil has been exposed within the town’s government. The mayor and the judge have fled, rather than face prosecution, and many of the Town Council members are also nowhere to be found. It seems that only the repentant ones have chosen to remain, and it is my recommendation that they be forgiven, but replaced by others. The investigation will take longer to conclude, and when all of the evidence is obtained, it will be published for all to see.”

“Meanwhile,” he continued, “we need to elect new government officials to oversee the rest of this investigation and to conduct the affairs of Newkirk.”

“I nominate Joshua for mayor!” someone shouted from the crowd. “Yes!” another voice responded. Other voices then joined with theirs. A great roar of approval rose up from the square. “Joshua! Joshua! Joshua!” they shouted in unison. When their voices died down, Joseph then climbed upon the platform and held up Joshua’s arm. “All in favor of Joshua, say aye!”

“Aye!” came the great shout.

“All opposed, say nay!” A great quiet settled upon the crowd for a moment, and then the joyful crowd burst out in laughter.

“Then I declare Joshua to be our new mayor!” Joseph shouted. The crowd again erupted with approval, as Joseph dropped Joshua’s arm.

Giving the people a moment to settle down again, Joshua spoke again. “I need good men and women to assist me as the Town Council.

“You choose for us!” a voice shouted. “We did not do such a good job of this in the last election! Appoint those who are like you, those that you know are righteous!”

The crowd again approved noisily.

“Then I hereby appoint Ivan, Atsa, and Juan among the men, and I appoint Maggie, Dakota, and Bryn among the women. These,” he said, “are all righteous and will provide a good balance between men and women to represent the town. They have all received the seed of Elyon in their ears and have drunk of the living waters.”

The crowd shouted its approval.

“Also,” Joseph said, “we need to appoint a new judge. I know such a man who has the spirit of wisdom. I believe that Kuyani is a good man for the job, and he will judge all disputes with a good balance of justice, love, and mercy.”

“Yes! Yes!” the crowd shouted.

“Then it is settled,” Joshua said. “When all the evidence is gathered from the corruption scandal of the previous administration, Kuyani will judge the matter. So I urge those of you who may have participated in that corruption to confess your sins to the judge, so that you may receive maximum mercy, restoration, and forgiveness. Do not wait until your crimes are discovered by the investigators, for if they must arrest you and bring you to the court, you will be shown less mercy.”

With that, Joshua and Joseph stepped off the platform, but the crowd continued to celebrate the holiday. Soon a sign was erected, saying, Independence Day. It occurred to me that this day would be remembered every year with a town festival, for it was the day when Newkirk began once again to live up to its name. Years ago, when its name was changed from Kirk to Newkirk, the very character of the town changed, but over the years it had reverted to its earlier practices and beliefs. Yet now all had changed, and the town was renewed to what it was purposed to be.

Then I felt a hand on my shoulder, and I turned to see the smiling face of Joseph. Even the lines on his face were smiling broadly. He was evidently quite satisfied at the day’s accomplishments. “We need to go immediately to Cosmos,” he told me. “Yesterday we left them in somewhat of a crisis, and we ought to see what has transpired since then.”

“Yes, we should go, and Paul should come with us,” I responded.

“Our entire fellowship ought to come with us as well,” he said, “except for Joshua and those who have been appointed to the Town Council of Newkirk. Come, let us gather them together and leave as quickly as possible. I will inform Joshua of our plans.”


  1. The so-called “Holy Alliance” at the Council of Vienna in 1815 allied the secular nations, controlled by Freemasonry, with the Roman Church. Both had a common goal of reestablishing “the divine right of kings.” In 1894 the Secretary of the U.S. Navy, R. W. Thompson, wrote in his book, Footprints of the Jesuits, p. 251, “The sovereigns of the ‘Holy Alliance’ had massed large armies, and soon entered into a pledge to devote them to the suppression of all uprisings of the people in favor of free governments; and he [Pope Pius VII] desired to devote the Jesuits [the militia of the Pope], supported by his pontifical power, to the accomplishment of that end. He knew how faithfully they would apply themselves to that work, and hence he counseled them, in his decree of restoration [of the Jesuit Order that had been disbanded in 1773], to strictly observe the ‘useful advices and salutary counsels’ whereby Loyola [the Jesuit founder] had made absolution the cornerstone of the society.”