Secrets of Time

The revelation of timing as revealed in the Scriptures and in history. It reveals the importance of October 1986 as the 120th Jubilee from Adam and the legal declaration of the Jubilee in the fall of 1986. The book shows the order in history and how nothing happens by accident. It reveals "the time of Jacob's trouble" and how America, Canada, Britain, and other nations fit into the overall Plan of God.

Table of Contents:

Secrets of Time

Dr. Stephen E Jones



Other Books by Dr. Stephen E. Jones:

Creation’s Jubilee
The Laws of the Second Coming
The Struggle for the Birthright
The Purpose of Resurrection
The Barley Overcomers
The Wheat and Asses of Pentecost
The Seven Churches
Introduction to the Book of Romans
Hearing God’s Voice
Principles of Intercession
Free Will Versus Ownership
The Purpose of the Wilderness
The Purpose of Law and Grace
The Bible Says: Divorce and Remarriage is NOT Adultery
God’s Laws on Restitution
The Laws of Wormwood and Dung
Bible Laws on Righteous Judgment
The Laws of Spiritual Warfare


First Printing:1,000 — May 1996
Second Printing:1,000 — July 1996
Third Printing:1,500 — September 1997 (revised)
Fourth Printing: 3,000 — May 2000 (revised)
Fifth Printing:


Additional copies available for $20.00 ($25.00 outside the US) from:

God’s Kingdom Ministries
6201 University Ave. N.E.
Fridley, MN 55432


Copying for non-commercial purposes authorized


© copyright 1996
All Rights Reserved
Printed in U.S.A.

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