Appendix D
Chronology of History from Creation to the Present
B.C. from
Year Adam Event Source
3895 0 Adam sins; the ground is cursed Gen. 3:17
Adam expelled from Eden Gen. 3:24
3765 130 Seth born to Adam, age 130 Gen. 5:3
3660 235 Enosh born to Seth, age 105 Gen. 5:6
3570 325 Cainan born to Enosh, age 90 Gen. 5:9
3530 365 Cainan begins to rule Adamites Jasher 2:11
3500 395 Mahalaleel born to Cainan, age 70 Gen. 5:12
3435 460 Jared born to Mahalaleel, age 65 Gen. 5:15
3273 622 Enoch born to Jared, age 162 Gen. 5:18
3208 687 Methuselah born to Enoch, age 65 Gen. 5:21
Enoch begins to rule Adamites Jasher 3:12
3021 874 Lamech born to Methuselah, age 187 Gen. 5:25
2965 930 Adam dies, age 930 Gen. 5:5
2921 974 Naamah born to Enoch, age 352 Jasher 5:15-16
2908 987 Enoch "taken" by God, age 365 Gen. 5:23-24
2853 1042 Seth dies, age 912 Gen. 5:8
2839 1056 Noah born to Lamech, age 182 Gen. 5:28-29
2755 1140 Enosh dies, age 905 Gen. 5:11
2660 1235 Cainan dies, age 910 Gen. 5:14
2605 1290 Mahalaleel dies, age 895 Gen. 5:17
2473 1422 Jared dies, age 962 Gen. 5:20
2359 1536 God gives 120-year warning of Flood Gen. 6:3,
Jasher 5:8-11
2341 1554 Noah, age 498, marries Naamah, age 580 Jasher 5:15-16
2339 1556 Noah's first son born when Noah was 500 Gen. 5:32
Japheth born first Jasher 5:17
2338 1557 Ham born second Jasher 7:1
2337 1558 Shem born third Jasher 7:1
Shem born when Noah was 502 Jasher 5:18
Proven by Biblical data Gen. 11:10
2244 1651 Lamech dies, age 777 Gen. 5:31
Noah, age 595, begins to build the Ark Jasher 5:34
2239 1656 Noah's sons marry Methuselah's
granddaughters Jasher 5:35
Methuselah dies, age 969 Gen. 5:27
Flood begins; ground cursed after Gen. 7:11,
4 x 414 years from Adam Secrets, 16
2238 1657 Flood ends; Noah leaves Ark Gen. 8:13
Noah plants a vineyard Secrets, 47-48
2237 1658 Arphaxad born to Shem, age 100 Gen. 11:10
2235 1660 Noah drunk; Canaan cursed Gen. 9:20-27
2202 1693 Salah born to Arphaxad, age 35 Gen. 11:12
2172 1723 Eber born to Salah, age 30 Gen. 11:14
2138 1757 Peleg born to Eber, age 34 Gen. 11:16
2108 1787 Reu born to Peleg, age 30 Gen. 11:18
2076 1819 Serug born to Reu, age 32 Gen. 11:20
2046 1849 Nahor born to Serug, age 30 Gen. 11:22
2017 1878 Terah born to Nahor, age 29 Gen. 11:24
1987 1908 Nimrod born to Cush Jasher 7:23,27:15
1979 1916 Haran born to Terah, age 38 Jasher 7:22
B.C. from
Year Adam Event Source
1978 1917 Nahor born to Terah, age 39 Jasher 24:27
1967 1928 Nimrod given Adam's garments Jasher 7:29
1947 1948 Nimrod defeats Japheth in battle Jasher 7:34-37
Shinar settled; Babylon built Jasher 7:34,43
Terah, Nimrod's general, promoted Jasher 7:41
Abram born to Terah, age 70 Jasher 7:51,
Gen. 11:26
1939 1956 Lot born to Haran, age 40 Jasher 9:2
1938 1957 Milca born to Haran Jasher 9:3
1937 1958 Sarai born to Haran, age 42 Jasher 9:3-4
Abram, age 10, goes to Noah's house Jasher 9:5
1900- 1995-
1899 1996 Tower of Babel destroyed Jasher 9:20-39
1899 1996 Peleg dies, age 239 Gen. 11:19
The earth "divided" (by language) Jasher 10:6,
1 Chr. 1:19,
Gen. 11:1-9
1898 1997 Nahor, father of Terah, dies, age 148 Gen. 11:25
Sodom, Gomorrah conquered by Elam Jasher 11:10
1897 1998 Abram, 50, returns to Terah from Noah Jasher 11:13
Abram and Haran cast into fiery furnace Jasher 12:23
Haran dies, age 82 Jasher 12:26-37,
Gen. 11:28
Nimrod gives Eliezer to Abram Jasher 12:39
Nahor marries Milca, Haran's daughter Gen. 11:29
Abram marries Sarai, Haran's daughter Jasher 12:44
1895 2000 Terah and Abram move to land of Haran Jasher 13:1
1892 2003 Abram goes to Canaan Jasher 13:5,9
This occurs 286.1 rest years from Adam
1889 2006 Noah dies, age 950 Gen. 9:29
1886 2009 First rest year after Abram moves to
Canaan; Canaan's Time Debt begins Secrets, 52
1879 2016 Second rest year owed by Canaan Secrets, 52
1877 2018 Abrahamic Covenant instituted (430 years Gen. 15,
prior to Mosaic Covenant, Gal. 3:17) Jasher 13:17-19
Abram then returns to Haran for 5 years Jasher 13:20
1872 2023 Abram, age 75, returns to Canaan Gen. 12:1-4
Famine in Canaan; Abram goes to Egypt Gen. 12:9-10,
Jasher 15:1-2
Pharaoh gives daughter to Sarai Jasher 15:31
Lot moves to the plain of Sodom Gen. 13:11-12
Jasher 15:46
Elamite war; Lot captured, freed by Abram Gen. 14
Melchizedek (Shem) meets Abram Gen. 14:18-20,
Jasher 16:1-19
1869 2026 Reu dies, age 239 Gen. 11:21
1862 2033 Sarai gives Hagar to Abram, age 85 Gen. 16:3
1861 2034 Ishmael born to Abram and Hagar Gen. 16:16
Egypt begins cursed time; 414 years later,
Egypt judged (plagues & Red Sea) Secrets, 57-63
B.C. from
Year Adam Event Source
1848 2047 Abraham circumcised Gen. 17:1,11
Sodom & Gomorrah destroyed by God Gen. 18-19,
Dated 3 days after circumcision Jasher 18:1-4
Abraham moves to Gerar Gen. 20:1
Abimelech takes Sarai temporarily, Gen. 20,
thinking she is Abraham's sister Jasher 20
1847 2048 Isaac born in Gerar to Abraham, age 100 Gen. 21:1-5
400-year oppression of Abraham's seed Secrets, 21-22
begins (a "stranger") Gen. 15:13
1846 2049 Serug dies, age 230 Gen. 11:23
1842 2053 Ishmael, age 19, tries to kill Isaac, age 5 Jasher 21:13-14,
Gen. 21:9
Ishmael and Hagar sent away Gen. 21:14,
Jasher 21:16
1822 2073 Abraham moves to Hebron and digs the
well later called Beer-Sheba Gen. 21:22-31
1821 2074 Philistines steal Abraham's well; Abimelech Jasher 22:1-10,
apologizes, covenants with Abraham Gen. 21:22-34
Canaan's 1st period of Cursed Time (1660-
2074) ends with an extension of grace;
Canaan given another 414 years to 2488 Secrets, 48-50
1816- 2079-
1815 2080 Rebecca born to Bethuel Jasher 24:40,45
1812 2083 Terah dies, age 205 Gen. 11:32
1810 2085 Abraham offers Isaac, 37, in sacrifice, but
God provides lamb to take the curse Gen. 22:1-18
9 x 414 years later = 1917 AD; Jerusalem
freed by Allenby; curse removed again
Sarah dies, age 127 Gen. 23:1
1808 2087 Lot dies, age 140 Jasher 24:22
1807 2088 Nahor, Abraham's brother dies, age 172 Jasher 24:27
Eliezer sent to Haran to find wife for Isaac Gen. 24
Isaac, age 40, marries Rebecca, age 10 Jasher 24:45
Abraham marries Keturah Gen. 25:1,
Jasher 25:1
1799 2096 Arphaxad dies, age 438 Gen. 11:13
1787 2108 Jacob and Esau born to Isaac, age 60 Gen. 25:26
1772- 2123- Esau, age 15, kills Nimrod, age 215 Jasher 27:7,15
1771 2124 Esau sells birthright to Jacob Gen. 25:29-34
Jasher 27:11-14
414 years later, Othniel throws off yoke
of Mesopotamia (Babylon) in 2537-2538
1770 2125 Famine; Isaac moves to Gerar Gen. 26:1-6
Abimelech gives land to Isaac to sow until Gen. 26:12,
famine ends. He receives 100-fold. Jasher 28:13-16
(This was NOT a land-rest year.)
1769 2126 Isaac returns to Hebron (Beer-sheba) Gen. 26:23
Jacob goes to Shem's house in Jerusalem Jasher 28:18
Salah dies, age 433 Gen. 11:15
1747 2148 Esau, age 40, marries Judith Gen. 26:34
1737 2158 Shem dies, age 600 Gen. 11:11
Jacob, age 50, returns to Isaac at Hebron Jasher 28:24
1731 2164 Leah and Rachel (twins) born to Laban Jasher 28:26-29
1724 2171 Isaac blesses Jacob, thinking it was Esau Gen. 27,
Dated by Jasher Jasher 29:11
Jacob flees, hides at Eber's house Jasher 29:11
Esau marries Bosmath Jasher 29:12
1723 2172 Ishmael dies, age 137 Gen. 25:17
1722 2173 Eliphaz born to Esau and Bosmath Jasher 29:17
1710 2185 Jacob returns to Isaac's house Jasher 29:20
Esau threatens Jacob Gen. 27:41
Isaac sends Jacob, age 77, to Haran with Gen. 28:1-2,
gifts to obtain a wife Jasher 29:30
Eliphaz, age 13, robs Jacob Jasher 29:31-40
B.C. from
Year Adam Event Source
Jacob begins serving Laban 7 yrs for Rachel Gen. 29:18-20
1708 2187 Eber dies, age 464 Gen. 11:17
1707 2188 Reuel born to Esau, age 80 Jasher 30:17
1706 2189 Beor born to Laban Jasher 30:18
1705 2190 Judith, Esau's wife, dies Jasher 30:21
1704 2191 Esau marries Aholibamah, moves to Seir Jasher 30:24-27
1703 2192 Jacob, 84, marries Leah and Rachel, age 28,
Jabob's second 7-year servitude begins Gen. 29:21-30
Reuben born to Leah Jasher 62:1
1702 2193 Simeon born to Leah Jasher 61:4
1701 2194 Levi born to Leah Jasher 63:1
1700 2195 Judah born to Leah Jasher 62:23
Dan born to Bilhah, Rachel's maid Jasher 62:2
1699 2196 Gad born to Zilpah, Leah's maid Jasher 62:5
Issachar born to Leah Jasher 62:3
1698 2197 Asher born to Zilpah Jasher 62:4
Zebulun born to Leah Jasher 61:3
1697 2198 Naphtali born to Bilhah Jasher 62:24
Dinah born to Leah Jasher 31:18
1696 2199 Joseph born to Rachel, age 35 Gen. 30:22-25,
(Joseph was 39 when Jacob was 130) Gen. 47:9
1690 2205 Jacob leaves Haran Gen. 31:17-18
Jacob's name changed to Israel Gen. 32:28
1689 2206 Jacob settles in Shechem Gen. 33:18-20
1688 2207 Dinah taken forcibly by Shechem Gen. 34:1-3
Simeon, 14, and Levi, 13, destroy Shechem Gen. 34:25-27
1686 2209 Benjamin born to Rachel, 45, who dies Gen. 35:16-19
1683 2212 Rebecca dies, age 133 Jasher 36:6
1680 2215 Leah dies, age 51 Jasher 41:2
1679 2216 Joseph, age 17, sold by his brothers Gen. 37:2
1678 2217 Joseph, 18, sold to Potiphar the Egyptian Jasher 44:1-14
Egypt's Time Debt begins Secrets, 71
Joseph framed and imprisoned Gen. 39:17-20
1668 2227 Joseph, age 28, interprets dreams for the
baker and the butler Gen. 40
1667 2228 Isaac dies, age 180 Gen. 35:28-29
1666 2229 Joseph interprets Pharaoh's dreams Gen. 41:14-36
Joseph made Prime Minister, age 30 Gen. 41:39-46
7 years of plenty begin Gen. 41:47-49
1662 2233 Ephraim and Manasseh (twins) born to
Joseph, age 34 Jasher 50:15
1659 2236 7 years of famine begin Gen. 41:54
1658 2237 Jacob's sons come to buy food Gen. 42
1657 2238 Jacob's sons return to buy food a second
time; Joseph, 39, reveals his identity Gen. 43-44
Jacob, age 130, moves to Goshen Gen. 47:9
Jochebed (Moses' mother) Num. 26:59,
at the border of Egypt Jasher 59:9
1652 2243 7 years of famine end Gen. 41:54
1640 2255 Jacob dies, age 147 Gen. 47:28
1625 2270 Pharaoh dies; Magron succeeds him, age 41 Jasher 58:1
1593 2302 Balaam born to Beor, age 113 Jasher 61:8
1586 2309 Joseph dies, age 110 Gen. 50:26
1585 2310 Zebulun dies, age 114 Jasher 61:3
1582 2313 Simeon dies, age 120 Jasher 61:4
1578 2317 Reuben dies, age 125 Jasher 62:1
1577 2318 Dan dies, age 123 (scribal error in Jasher) Jasher 62:2
1576 2319 Issachar dies, age 122 Jasher 62:3
1575 2320 Asher dies, age 123 Jasher 62:4
1574 2321 Gad dies, age 125 Jasher 62:5
1571 2324 Judah dies, age 129 Jasher 62:23
1568 2327 Naphtali dies, age 129 (scribal error in Jash.) Jasher 62:24
1564 2331 Levi dies, age 137 Jasher 63:1
Egypt begins to afflict Israel Jasher 63:2
B.C. from
Year Adam Event Source
1532 2363 Pharaoh orders male Israelite babies killed Jasher 66:10-31
1531 2364 Amram marries Jochebed, age 126 Jasher 67:2,
Num. 26:59
Miriam born to Amram and Jochebed Jasher 67:4
1530 2365 Aaron born to Amram and Jochebed Jasher 67:4
1527 2368 Moses born to Amram and Jochebed Jasher 68:3-4
Moses hidden 3 months from Pharaoh Ex. 2:2-3
1527- 2368-
1525 2370 Jochebed nurses Moses 2 years for Bathia Jasher 68:24
1489 2406 Joshua born to Nun Joshua 24:29
1485 2410 Caleb born Joshua 14:7
Ephraimites attempt to conquer Canaan 1 Chr. 7:20-22,
too soon and are destroyed Jasher 75
1447 2448 Exodus from Egypt under Moses after 210
years in Egypt; Moses age 80 Jasher 81:4
Passover Age (2448-3927) begins Secrets, 24
Egypt's Cursed Time culminates from 2034 Secrets, 57-63
Amalekites attack Israel and are cursed; Ex. 17:8-16
Destroyed by Saul 414 years later Secrets, 65-70
Mosaic Covenant instituted at Pentecost Ex. 19-20
1445 2450 50th Jubilee from Adam; on Day of Atone-
ment, Israel refuses to enter Canaan Secrets, 22-23
Beginning of 434 years of Judged Time to
the death of Saul in 2884 Secrets, 75
1407 2488 Miriam dies, age 124 Num. 20:1,
Jasher 84:24
Aaron dies, age 123 Num. 20:28,
Jasher 84:32
Moses dies, age 120 Deut. 34:7
Joshua, age 82, leads Israel into Canaan Joshua 3
Canaan's Cursed Time ends (2072-2488) Secrets, 47-50
1407- 2488-
1401 2494 Canaanite wars; Israel conquers Canaan Joshua 4-12
1401- 2494- First sabbath year in Canaan,
1400 2495 Inheritances given to the 12 tribes Joshua 14
1380- 2513-
1381 2514 Joshua, 108, turns rulership over to Elders Jasher 90:32-35
1379 2516 Joshua, 110, dies Joshua 24:29
1365- 2530- Elders' rule ends with captivity to king of Judges 3:8,
1364 2531 Mesopotamia (Babylon) Jasher 91:12
Babylonian Cursed Time begins; Babylon
given 2 x 414 years (2530-3358) Secrets, 116-117
1357 2538 Othniel (1st Judge) frees Israel on their
1st Jubilee from Jordan crossing Judges 3:9-10
390-year countdown to laying the Temple's
foundation (2928); "No King in Israel" Secrets, 145-146
1050 2845 1st year of Saul Secrets, 24
1033 2862 18th year of Saul Secrets, 65
Amalek's Cursed Time ends 414 years from Secrets, 68-70
their attack on Israel in 2448 Ex. 17:14-16
God tells Saul to destroy Amalek 1 Sam. 15:2-3
Saul spares king Agag and becomes liable 1 Sam. 15:8-9
Samuel kills Agag; this puts Saul on Judged Secrets, 67
Time, rather than Cursed Time 1 Sam. 15:32-33
1011 2884 40th year of Saul; Saul consults witch of
Endor, putting monarchy on Cursed Time 1 Sam. 28:7
This is 434 years (Judged Time) after
Israel's refusal to enter Canaan in 2450 Secrets, 68-71
Saul dies in battle with Philistines 1 Sam. 31:6
David's accession year
1010 2885 1st year of David in Hebron 2 Sam. 2:11
1004- 2891- 59th Jubilee from Adam;
1003 2892 David crowned king of all Israel 2 Sam. 5:3
David conquers Jerusalem 2 Sam. 5:5-7
B.C. from
Year Adam Event Source
973 2922 38th year of David Secrets, 75-77
David's census, no atonement money taken 1 Chr. 21:1-5
All tribes uncovered except Levi & Benjamin 1 Chr. 21:6
70,000 men die in resulting plague 1 Chr. 21:14
971 2924 40th year of David (dies) 1 Ki. 2:10
Beginning of Judged Time to fall of
Jerusalem in 586 BC Secrets, 77
970 2925 1st year of Solomon 1 Ki. 6:1
967 2928 4th year of Solomon, Temple foundation laid 1 Ki. 6:1, 37
End of "No King in Israel" period (390 yrs) Sec., 145-146
960 2935 Temple structure completed 1 Ki. 6:37-38
Hiram arrives to forge Temple vessels 1 Ki. 7:13-51
Solomon begins construction of his house 1 Ki. 7:1
957 2938 Temple of Solomon dedicated 1 Ki. 8
955 2940 60th Jubilee from Adam
947 2948 Solomon's house completed 1 Ki. 9:10
This is 500 years after the Exodus in 2448
931 2964 40th year of Solomon (dies) 1 Ki. 11:42-43
Israel and Judah split 1 Ki. 12:19
930 2965 1st year of Rehoboam (Judah) 1 Ki. 12:17
1st year of Jeroboam (Israel) 1 Ki. 12:20
911 2984 20th year of Jeroboam (Israel) and the
1st year of Asa (Judah) 1 Ki. 15:9
874 3021 38th year of Asa (Judah) and the
1st year of Ahab (Israel) 1 Ki. 16:29
853 3042 6th year of Shalmanezer III of Assyria
Ahab and his allies fight Assyria in the
battle of Karkar (Assyrian dating) Secrets, 25-26
Israel's 3-year truce with Syria ends in war 1 Ki. 22:1
Ahab attacks Syria and is killed by Naaman Secrets, 26
763 3132 June 15, solar eclipse recorded by Assyrians
in their Eponym of Bur-Sagale Secrets, 26
745 3150 Tiglath-Pileser (King of Pul of 2 Ki. 15:19)
begins to deport Israel. This date is
fixed by the Assyrian Eponyms. Secrets, 163
Time of "eating dung" for Israel begins
which lasts 7 x 390 years to 1986; this Secrets, 145-146,
leads to laying of new Temple foundation Ezek. 4
Time of Jacob's Trouble begins 13 x 210
years leading to 1986 Secrets, 163-164
723- 3172- Assyrian siege of Samaria; Israel captured
721 3174 and deported after 210 years from 2964 Secrets, 159-162
721 3174 14th Jubilee from Jordan crossing 2 Ki. 19:29
713 3182 Assyrian siege of Jerusalem ends with
185,000 Assyrians dead; Jerusalem saved 2 Ki. 19:35
623 3272 16th Jubilee from Jordan crossing Secrets, 197
18th year of Josiah; Great Passover held 2 Chr. 35:1-19
623- 3272-
622 3273 1st year of 17th Jubilee from Jordan crossing Secrets, 197-198
607 3288 Nebuchadnezzar conquers Assyria Secrets, 83
604 3291 Nebuchadnezzar conquers Jerusalem Secrets, 83
Beginning of 70-year captivity of Jerus. Secrets, 83, 84
598- 3297- 26th year of 17th Jub. from Jordan crossing;
597 3298 Temple vessels taken to Babylon 2 Ki. 24:13
(666 years later is 70 AD, when the
Romans took vessels to Rome) Secrets, 71
Jehoiachin captured and deported, beginning 2 Ki. 24:15
long-term cycle of 37 x 70 years, to 1994 Secrets, 72, 73
Zedekiah's accession year 2 Ki. 24:17
597- 3298- Secrets, 197-199
596 3299 1st year of Zedekiah 2 Ki. 24:17-18
594- 3301- 30th year of 17th Jub. from Jordan crossing Ezek. 1:1-2
593 3302 5th year of Jehoichin's captivity Ezek. 1:1-2
589 3306 "Legal" end of Zedekiah's reign and of Jerus. Secrets, 79-80
B.C. from
Year Adam Event Source
589- 3306- 35th year of 17th Jubilee from Jordan
588 3307 crossing
God gives Jerusalem opportunity to observe
the final rest year before judgment comes. Secrets, 9, 10
They refuse; judgment set irrevocably Jer. 34
9th year of Zedekiah 2 Ki. 25:1-2
Jerusalem siege begins (lasts unto 3rd year) 2 Ki. 25:1-2
587- 3308- 11th year of Zedekiah 2 Ki. 25:1-2
586 3309 Jerusalem and Temple destroyed 2 Ki. 25:1-10
End of Judged Time from death of David Secrets, 77-79
754 3321 17th Jubilee from Jordan crossing Ezek. 40:1
560 3335 Nebuchadnezzer dies; Evil-Merodach (son)
frees Jehoiachin after 37 years 2 Ki. 25:27-30
537 3358 Fall of Babylon to Medes and Persians Dan. 5:31
This is 70 years after Babylon's rise to
power when they conquered Assyria
This is 2 x 414 years after Babylon came
on Cursed Time in 2530 Secrets, 116-117
Darius the Mede rules Babylon while Cyrus
the Persian continues conquests Dan. 5:31
534 3361 Cyrus the Persian returns to rule Babylon
directly; Darius returns home to rule Secrets, 84-88
Edict of Cyrus allows Judah to return Ezra 1
70-yr captivity of Jerusalem ends Secrets, 85
76-yr cleansing period for Jerusalem begins Secrets, 85-90
76-sabbath cleansing period for Jerusalem
begins (532 years) to birth of Jesus Secrets, 92
529 3366 1st year of Cambyses (co-regency with his
father, Cyrus) Secrets, 87
521 3374 1st year of Darius I Secrets, 87
520 3375 2nd year of Darius I; Haggai and Hag. 1:1,
Zechariah begin to prophecy Zech. 1:1
People renew work on the Temple
516- 3379- 6th year of Darius I (dated spring to spring
515 3380 by Persian reckoning) Secrets, 87
515 3380 March 15, Temple completed Ezra 6:15
485 3410 1st year of Xerxes I Secrets, 84, 88
480 3415 Sept. Battle of Salamis (Persia v. Greece)
during the Archonship of Kalliades
(dated by solar eclipse of Oct. 2, 480 BC
occurring a few days after this battle) Secrets, 85, 88
464 3430 70th Jub. from Adam, 1st yr of Artaxerxes I Secrets, 88
458 3437 7th yr of Artaxerxes I; Edict of Artaxerxes I
allows rebuilding of Jerusalem Ezra 7:7
End of Jerusalem's 76-year time of
cleansing (from 534-458 BC) Secrets, 88-90
Daniel's 70 weeks begin Secrets, 109
423 3472 1st year of Darius II Secrets, 84
404 3491 1st year of Artaxerxes II Secrets, 84
358 3537 1st year of Ochus (Artaxerxes III) Secrets, 84
337 3558 1st year of Arses Secrets, 84
335- 3560-
331 3564 Reign of Darius III (last Persian king) Secrets, 84
331 3564 Alexander the Great of Greece conquers
Persia and assumes the Debt Note Secrets, 84
330 3565 Alexander occupies Babylon
Darius III (ex-king) murdered
323 3572 Alexander dies in Babylon; the Empire is
divided among his 4 generals Dan. 8:20-21
160 3706 Judas Maccabeus begins to reign as first of
Hasmonean dynasty
126 3769 Judah conquers Idumea (Edom) and forces
their conversion to Judaism; i.e., Judah
"marries" Edom Secrets, 125
B.C. from
Year Adam Event Source
63 3832 Pompey, Roman general, conquers Syria and
makes Judah a Roman province; the Debt
Note passes to Rome Ant. XIV,iv,3
Sept. 23, Octavian born (later called Augustus
Caesar): Roman Senate decrees for all
male children born this year to be killed Secrets, 93
47 3848 Antipater, father of Herod, appointed
Procurator of Judea Secrets, 102
46 3849 Antipater appoints Herod Governor of
Galilee at the age of 25 Secrets, 102
43 3852 Aug. 19, Octavian begins 1st Consulship Secrets, 94, 103
37 3859 Herod begins reign as King of Judea after
overthrowing Antigonus, the Hasmonean. Secrets, 102
34 3856 Antigonus executed by Mark Antony Antiq., XV,i,2
This ends Hasmonean dynasty after 126
years. It is also 92 years (2 x 46) after
Edom was conquered. Herod was now
secure on the throne.
31 3864 Sept. 2, Battle of Actium Secrets, 103
30 3865 Cleopatra dies; Rome subjects Egypt fully Secrets, 103
27 3868 Octavian proclaimed Augustus Caesar Secrets, 94
4 3891 Herod executes sons of Marimba; legal
government of Enoch ends
March 13, incorrect date of the lunar eclipse
preceding Herod's death Secrets, 100-101
3 3892 May 19, Mercury-Saturn conjunction begins
a series of astrological events Secrets, 96
June 12, Venus-Saturn conjunction Secrets, 96
Aug. 12, Venus-Jupiter conjunction Secrets, 96
Aug. 31, Mercury-Venus conjunction Secrets, 96
Sept. 14, Jupiter-Regulus conjunction Secrets, 96
2 3893 Feb. 5, Roman Senate awards Augustus title
"Father of the Country;" decrees that all
the people of the Empire must register &
ratify this title by an oath of allegiance Secrets, 94
Feb. 17, Jupiter-Regulus conjunction Secrets, 96
25th anniversary (Silver Jubilee) of Augustus
being proclaimed "Augustus" Secrets, 95
April, John born to Zacharias & Elizabeth Luke 1
May, Saturninus (Gov. of Syria) returns to
Rome as his term expires Secrets, 95
May-Nov., Quirinius is temporary governor
of Syria until the arrival of Varus Secrets, 95
May 8, Jupiter-Regulus conjunction Secrets, 96
June 17, Jupiter and Venus merge as one Secrets, 96
Jupiter then begins moving West toward
Jerusalem; the Magi soon follow it Secrets, 97
Aug. 26, Jupiter-Mars conjunction Secrets, 96
Sept. 29, Feast of Trumpets; Jesus born Secrets, 106
76 sabbaths of cleansing complete from
534 BC (Edict of Cyrus) Secrets, 92
Sept. 29 - Dec. 29, Jesus "hidden" as was
Moses (Ex. 2:2) Secrets, 99
Dec. 5, Rabbis incite students to tear down
Rome's golden eagle from Temple portal Secrets, 100
Dec. 20-25, Magi arrive in Jerusalem and
inquire about the "king of the Jews" Secrets, 97-99
Dec. 25, Jupiter appears stationary over
Bethlehem as viewed from Jerusalem;
Magi go to Bethlehem and find Jesus Secrets, 98
Dec. 26/27, Joseph takes Mary and Jesus
to Egypt; the Magi return home also Secrets, 99
Dec. 28, Church of England commemorates
slaughter of Bethlehem children Secrets, 100
B.C. from
Year Adam Event Source
2 3893 Dec. 29, Greek Orthodox Church commem-
(continued) orates slaughter of Bethlehem children Secrets, 100
Jesus, 3 months old, now under protection
of "Pharaoh's house" as Moses was Secrets, 99, 100
1 3894 Jan. 6, Matthias tried & convicted of sedition Secrets, 100
Jan. 9, Matthias burned alive; lunar eclipse
that evening mentioned by Josephus Secrets, 100
Herod becomes gravely ill, goes to warm
baths at Calirrhoe to no avail Secrets, 101
Jan. 23, Herod executes his son, Antipater Ant. XVII, vii
Joseph and Mary return to Judea for Passover Secrets, 102
6- 3900-
7 3901 Cyrenius becomes full-time Syrian governor Secrets, 94
14 3908 Aug. 19, Augustus dies exactly 56 years
from his first Consulship in 43 BC Secrets, 105
Tiberius succeeds him; his 1st year begins
either Aug. 19 or Oct. 1st (by Syrian
calendar), or Jan. 1, 15 AD, by the
Roman calendar Secrets, 105
26 3920 80th Jubilee from Adam
28- 3922-
29 3923 15th year of Tiberius Secrets, 105
29 3923 June, John turns 30 and begins ministry Luke 3:1-3
Sept., Jesus turns 30 on Feast of Trumpets Secrets, 106
Oct., Day of Atonement, Jesus baptized by
John; tempted 40 days in wilderness Secrets, 106
30 3924 John imprisoned and beheaded by Herod Matt. 14:3-12
33 3927 April 3, Friday, Jesus crucified while lambs
were being killed for Passover, this is
80 x 153 days from His birth Secrets, 107
April 3, lunar eclipse occurs Secrets, 107
End of Daniel's 70 weeks Secrets, 109
April 5, Sunday, Feast of Firstfruits; Jesus
raised from the dead; Day 1 of
Pentecost count (50 days)
May 25, Sunday, Day of Pentecost Acts 2:1
Passover Age (2448-3927) ends; Pentecost
(Church) Age (33-1993 AD) begins Secrets, 138-139
Seeds of Kingdom sowed; harvest to occur
in "4 months" (4 x 490 years) John 4:35
66 3960 40 years after 80th Jub. (26 AD); Passover,
riots in Jerus. begin war against Rome Secrets, 130
Tabernacles, Cestius Gallus defeated by
Judeans in battle; legion destroyed Secrets, 131
67 3961 Feb., Vespasian defeats Josephus in battle
of Jotapata Secrets, 131
68 3962 June 9, Nero commits suicide Secrets, 131
Galba succeeds him briefly, then Vitellius Secrets, 131
69 3963 Fall, Vespasian proclaimed Emperor by his
troops; he goes to Rome to secure it,
leaving his son Titus to carry on the war Secrets, 131
70 3964 Passover, Roman troops surround Jerusalem Secrets, 131
Sept., Jerusalem conquered; Temple burned;
Temple vessels taken to Rome 666 years
after 597 BC when Babylon did it Secrets, 70, 71
A.D. from
Year Adam Event Source
73 3967 Passover, Masada taken; Sicarii and families
commit murder-suicide Secrets, 132
40 years after Jesus' crucifixion
313 4206 Edict of Milan; Constantine stops the perse-
cution of Christians; this is 7 x 40 years
after the crucifixion of Jesus (33 AD) Secrets, 135
410 4304 Alaric the Goth sacks Rome
455 4349 The Vandals sack Rome
476 4370 Odoacer, the German, conquers Rome and
is proclaimed king of Italy
End of the Western Roman Empire Secrets, 118
516 4410 90th Jubilee from Adam
622 4516 Muslim calendar begins (Hegira), this is
half-way between 745 BC and 1986 AD Secrets, 119
637 4531 Muslims capture Jerusalem and assume the
Debt Note from Rome Secrets, 119
1006 4900 100th Jubilee from Adam
1099 4993 First Crusade recaptures Jerusalem; Rome
takes Debt Note back Secrets, 119
1187 5081 Muslims retake Jerusalem and take the Debt
Note back Secrets, 119
1228 5122 Fredrick II restores Jerusalem to Latin
control by diplomacy Secrets, 119
1244 5138 Muslims recapture Jerusalem Secrets, 119
1453 5347 Turks capture Constantinople; end of
East Roman Empire (Byzantine)
First Bible printed by Gutenberg
1492 5386 Columbus "discovers" America Secrets, 183
1496 5390 110th Jubilee from Adam
1776 5670 America made an independent nation 2520
(12 x 210) years after Assyria begins to
deport Israel from Samaria in 745 BC Secrets, 163
1917 5811 Nov. 7, Bolshevik Revolution Secrets, 190
Dec. 6, Allenby takes Jerusalem; Debt
Note assumed by Britain temporarily Secrets, 119
Balfour Declaration on Palestine
2520 years after Babylon's conquest of
Jerusalem in 604 BC
1937 5831 Fall, 119th Jubilee from Adam
Early pattern of the 120th Jubilee, along
with the next 10-year cycle; compare
1937/38 - 47/48 with 1986/87 - 96/97 Secrets, 186-188
414 rest years (sabbaths) from the fall of
Jerusalem (604 BC)
434 rest years (sabbaths) from the fall of
Samaria (721 BC)
1947 5841 Nov. 21, Palestine Resolution sent to U.N. Secrets, 119-120
Nov. 29, U.N. passes Palestine Resolution Secrets, 119-120
1948 5842 May 14, Israelis declare independence Secrets, 119-120
"Herod's Temple" begun, given 46 years,
as the Debt Note assumed by Israelis Secrets, 192-193
Fall, Mystery Babylon's Cursed Time was
supposed to climax, but deferred 46 yrs
when Israelis assume the Debt Note Secrets, 192-193
1986 5880 120th Jubilee from Adam
4 x 490 years after 80th Jubilee ("4 months
until harvest") John 4:35
7 x 390 years since 745 BC
7 + 3 year period of construction begins for
spiritual Temple Secrets, 186
13 x 210 years since 745 BC (beginning of
the Time of Jacob's Trouble) Secrets, 146, 147
Parallel to Jordan crossing and beginning of
7-year count to receiving the Inheritances
A.D. from
Year Adam Event Source
1989 5883 4 x 490 years after Jesus' baptism on Day
of Atonement in 29 AD (in 1989, Day
of Atonement fell on Oct. 9/10) Secrets, 107
1990- 5884- God's Elect come into Blessed Time, and
1991 5885 the 38 years of time offset that began in
2488 ends fully
1992- 5886-
1993 5887 7th year from 1986 (Jordan crossing
parallel); Inheritances received (?)
1993- 5887- Parallel to time of vessels of the Temple
1996 5890 being forged by Hiram for 3 years after
completion of the Temple structure
1993 5887 4 x 490 years after Crucifixion & Pentecost;
Passover (Church) Age ends after 40 Jub. Secrets, 23, 24
Nov. 21-29 completes 46-year cycle of U.N.
Resolution on the partition of Palestine Secrets, 192-193
Jubilee Prayer Campaign begins 7-yr.
Spiritual warfare (parallel to Jericho) Secrets, 194
1994 5888 May 14 completes 46-year cycle from
Israeli Independence Day
Beginning of end to 37 x 70 (2590) year
parallel to Jehoichin captivity of 597 BC Secrets, 73
1996 5890 Declaration of the 120th Jubilee (Sept. 23) Secrets, 186
Red Dragon battles begin July 17, lasting
three and a half years to Dec. 29, 1999.
2006 5900 End of ten years from Jubilee Declaration
Melchisedec Priesthood now age 20 Secrets, 186
4 x 490 years from when the Apostle Paul
was commissioned as missionary. Acts 11:27-30
Secrets, 187
See also the date listings at the beginning of the
Subject Index, starting on page 221.
Date Conversion Information
Keep in mind that Years from Adam begin in the fall (Sept. or Oct.)
on the Feast of Trumpets.
Years from Adam up through the fall of 3895 are also BC years.
Years from Adam after the fall of 3895 are also AD years.
1 BC = 3894 Years from Adam
1 AD = 3895 Years from Adam (There is no year zero.)
The following chart shows how B.C. and A.D. years are offset from
Years from Adam.
Dec. 31/Jan. 1
2 B.C. 1 B.C. 1 A.D. 2 A.D.
3893 3894 3895 3896
Feast of Trumpets
Use the formulas below to convert years from one system to another.
To convert use this formula; (from Trumpets to Dec 31)
BC to Years from Adam 3895 - BC year (+1)
Years from Adam to BC 3895 - Years from Adam (+1)
AD to Years from Adam 3894 + AD year (+1)
Years from Adam to AD Years from Adam - 3894 (- 1)
(Remember to Add or subtract a year for dates between the Feast
of Trumpets and December 31.)