The overall purpose of this book is to portray the Sovereignty of God in history. If that goal is reached, you should conclude the reading of this book by saying, “What a great God we have!” Or, as Paul would say, “O the depth of the riches, both of the wisdom and knowledge of God! How unsearchable are His judgments, and His ways past finding out!” (Romans 11:33)
My secondary purpose is to give you an overall view of the structure of history as viewed from a Biblical perspective. Everything is orderly. Nothing happens by accident. Men do not determine history; God does. Nations rise and fall according to His decrees, as Nebuchadnezzar discovered the hard way in the 4th chapter of Daniel. No monarch stands above the Law of God, nor can he withstand the irreversible judgment of God when the day of his visitation has arrived.
A third purpose—and certainly not the least important—is to instill within your heart a burning desire to know God more, to be more fully conformed to His Image and Likeness, and to catch the vision of the Feast of Tabernacles.
We stand today at the threshold of the Tabernacles Age. The Passover Age began with Israel’s Exodus from Egypt on the day of Passover and ended at the Cross. The Pentecost Age began in the 2nd chapter of Acts and ended 40 Jubilees later on the day of Pentecost, May 30, 1993. We are now in the transition into the great Tabernacles Age, which will last a thousand years. It is the great Rest Year, the Sabbath Millennium, during which time there will be an overcoming Remnant who exercise great authority in the earth, whose Word will fully reflect the Mind of their heavenly Father. (See Appendix C.)
I hope that you will be challenged and inspired to seek to press into that place of full Sonship and Daughterhood, leaving behind that which we have seen and known in the past, looking only to Jesus, the Author and Finisher of our faith.
— Dr. Stephen E. Jones
April 17, 1996