Chapter 47
2007: The Open Door Ministry
Over twenty years ago a revelation from the Lord spoke of an “Open Door Ministry,” based upon Rev. 3:7,
7 And to the angel of the church in Philadelphia write: He who is holy, who is true, who has the key of David, who opens and no one will shut, and who shuts and no one opens, says this.
I wrote about this revelation in chapter 3 in regard to the 1984 battle called Ye Shall Go Forth. Its purpose was to lay foundations for the Open Door Ministry, and we also related it to the Elijah ministry to “restore all things.”
As I said at the time, the year 1984 was still in the time of the reign of “Saul,” and so it was yet too soon for the Elijah ministry to begin. The Church was called to seek the face of God (from 1981-1986), but they had failed to do so. And so ten years later, the Lord issued another prayer call, this time to the overcomers (from 1991-1996). The overcomers did respond, and so the Lord gave us the instructions that He would have given to the Church previously, if they had responded.
The primary revelation given to the overcomers was that of timing, so that we would know that we were supposed to declare the Jubilee on the Day of Atonement, Sept. 23, 1996. This was done ten years after the actual 120th Jubilee (1986), but it was patterned after the ten-year “Hezekiah Factor” written in Scripture.
Shortly after the Jubilee was declared, the Coronation Stone was returned to Scotland, signifying the transfer of authority from the kingdoms of “men” (i.e., Prince Andrew) to the saints of the Most High (“i.e., people of Saint Andrew) on St. Andrews Day.
The New Net of Prayer was the new prayer army being raised up by God to overthrow Mystery Babylon and to establish the Kingdom of God in its place. This New Net of Prayer was prophesied in July 1986, but its establishment was delayed until May 28, 1991.
This prepared the way for King Saul’s death two years later on May 30, 1993, which was the 40th Jubilee of the Church under the Pentecostal anointing. The following November, the New Net of Prayer began its warfare against Babylon with the initial Jubilee Prayer Campaign of Nov. 21-29, 1993.
This began a two-phase war patterned after the Battle of Jericho in Joshua 6. The first phase was seven years, ending on November 29, 2000. At that point, the full transfer of authority from the Saul company to the David company took place, which then allowed the overcomers to conduct the final phase of warfare from 2001-2006. The total time frame was 13 years, picturing the 13 trips Israel made around the city of Jericho in Joshua’s day.
The completion of this warfare in October of 2006 meant that the collapse of Mystery Babylon was imminent and certain, and that at the same time the Open Door Ministry was about to begin.
By the middle of 2007 the financial crisis began in America, which soon spread to Europe and to other nations of the world. As it did, we began to see prophetic patterns emerge, showing that God was getting ready to send out an Elijah company into the world to “restore all things” before the end should come.
The Keys
When we held our Tabernacles conference at the DoubleTree in Denver in Sept. 2005, Vanita brought 7 keys with her. At this conference, these keys were given to seven men representing the sons of God, signifying that God was about to open new doors. Shortly after this, I made a trip to Canada, where Jackie was led to give me a “skeleton key” as well. A skeleton key opens all doors, and we understood this as a prophecy that God would soon be opening up many doors to other nations.
Vanita is from Reading, Pennsylvania. Pennsylvania is known as “The KEYSTONE State.” In 2006 she found the Abraham Lincoln Hotel in Reading, PA for our Tabernacles conference, which we held shortly after pouring out the seventh bowl of wine in Babylon, NY. Reading, PA is also near Philadelphia, which is the name of the church in Rev. 3:7 that speaks of the Open Door being set before us.
In putting all of this together, we came to see that God was about to set before us an Open Door Ministry that would include much travel to other nations with the Gospel of the Kingdom. This Gospel is more than just a “Passover” message of personal salvation. It is more than just a “Pentecost” message to get people filled with the Holy Spirit. It is a “Tabernacles” message that presents people with the word to go beyond Pentecost into all the fulness of God (Eph. 3:19).
Moreover, the Gospel of the Kingdom is about establishing on earth the Stone Kingdom prophesied in Daniel 2:35, which, after crushing the Babylonian image on its feet, grows until it fills the whole earth. It is not about preparing one's self for life in heaven (or in a purely spiritual existence). It is about preparing the hearts of the people for life after Babylon, in which the nations will learn the laws of God (Is. 2:2) and apply them by the mind of Christ.
The Flood of the Holy Spirit
While in Babylon, NY on October 7, 2006, we took note that the final bowl of water marked the start of the “flood” of the Holy Spirit. Ken had the insight that in the days of Noah, the rain fell 40 days, and then the water prevailed upon the earth for another 150 days (Gen. 7:24). This made a total of 190 days.
Since we were in the midst of driving around and pouring out bowls of water and wine, I did not have time to figure out what day this would arrive, but as it turned out, 190 days after Oct. 7, 2006 came to April 15, 2007.
The Sacramento group was led to come to Minneapolis from April 13-15, 2007 to hold their quarterly meeting. They also asked me to rent a 15-person van so that we could go as a group to the headwaters of the Mississippi River in northern Minnesota. They felt that there was a prophetic word to speak there, because on the old Spanish maps, this river was called the River of the Holy Spirit. We drove there on April 15, 2007 and decreed that the Holy Spirit would flow out into all nations.
The number 15 is the biblical number for “New Direction.” (See The Biblical Meaning of Numbers from 1 to 40.) Thus, 15 of us went on April 15 to the headwaters of the Mississippi to speak the word establishing the New Direction for the ministry—the Open Door Ministry. Along with this, Ron and I, representing the two doves needed to cleanse lepers, were baptized (sprinkled) with water while standing in the river, according to Lev. 14:7. This was followed by the group partaking of Communion.
We understood from this that God was revealing one of the more basic messages of the Open Door Ministry, as explained in my book, The Laws of the Second Coming. The two doves needed to cleanse lepers speak of the two comings of Christ needed to bring us into immortality. This foundational teaching about both works of Christ, along with the feast days, was to be the primary basis of teaching in the Gospel of the Kingdom.
A few months later, on July 7, 2007 (7-7-7), the movie Evan Almighty was released. It was like a modern story of Noah and the ark, where the main character was told by God to build an ark to prepare for a flood. We found it interesting that when the flood came, all the people (including the ones who wanted to destroy the ark) were saved by getting on board. This was a perfect depiction of the “second flood” (of the Holy Spirit) that I have taught for many years.
Then on August 18 and 19, 2007, we attended meetings just north of Minneapolis, where the weather patterns had prophesied to us a number of times in the past. Ron discerned that this year we would see rain and a possible flood, as a continuation of the flood theme in Evan Almighty. It rained the first day of the meetings (August 18), and Ron said, “If it rains again tomorrow, then we'll know that the flood of the Holy Spirit is about to come.”
That night two weather systems converged in southern Minnesota, dumping 17 inches of rain in one town. The official measurement in the 24-hour period was 15.1 inches, eclipsing the old record by over 4 inches. One newspaper headline read: “The Rain Never Quits.” We believe this headline prophesied of the Latter Rain of the Holy Spirit that is about to be poured out upon the earth. That is the real significance of the Open Door Ministry.
The Banner
Then I was led to ask Mike and Kathy to sew a banner depicting our ministry logo about the two doves on a shield, with the motto: “Truth in Love.” They completed this banner in time for it to be planted at the Feast of Tabernacles in September 2007.
Now the history of this banner goes back to 1993 when the concept of the two comings of Christ in Leviticus 14 and 16 was first revealed. Then in February of 2000, before we began to pour out the seven bowls of wine, Dr. Melissa received a vision of a banner being planted in Leslie, Arkansas. We “planted” the banner by the Spirit on Feb. 11, 2000, but it was not until Sept. 16, 2007 that we physically planted the new banner at that location.
In 2007 we held Tabernacles meetings at two different locations. The first meetings were in Leslie, Arkansas on Sept. 14-16, and the second set of meetings were held in Hilo, Hawaii on Sept. 25-27. The banner was planted in both locations. The first signified that the Gospel of the Kingdom would be preached in America. The second signified the Gospel of the Kingdom going out into the rest of the world.
The Birth of John (Elijah)
During the Tabernacles meetings in Hilo, a young woman went into spiritual labor, complete with labor pains. Because she was not physically pregnant, it was obvious that this was a spiritual thing that prophesied something.
In praying about it, the word of the Lord came through one man (Fred) that it was John, or “Elijah,” that was being brought to birth. Through another (Bob) the Lord said that this would be applicable a year later. And so the fulfillment of this prophecy will be explained in Chapter 50.