Who is a Jew?

30 pages. In Romans 2:28, 29 Paul tells us who IS a Jew and who is NOT a Jew. God's answer to this question cannot be obtained by looking at one's genetics, but by the lawful requirements of citizenship in a tribe of Israel. This shows how those Jews who accepted Christ and all others who accept Him as King-Messiah have legally joined the tribe of Judah and are thus "Jews". On the other hand, those who have rejected Him are NOT Jews at all, because they have revolted against the King of Judah and have forfeited their citizenship in Judah.

Table of Contents:

Who is a Jew?

Dr. Stephen Jones



Suggested Price: $3.00 each


Published by
God’s Kingdom Ministries
6201 University Ave. N.E.
Fridley, MN 55432 (USA)


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