Coming Out of Bondage
Part 8
Date: 03/01/2009
Issue No. 248
Back in 1993, the 40th Jubilee of the Church brought an end to the reign of “Saul,” that is, the Church under Pentecost. This began the transfer of authority to “David,” as represented by the overcomers.
This authority was partial for 7 ½ years, even as it was partial for King David himself (2 Sam. 5:5). Yet we had enough authority to begin the work of spiritual warfare and to continue it until the feast of Tabernacles of 2000.
At that point, we entered into the second phase of the warfare, which involved pouring out the seven bowls of water and wine. That second phase required full authority, and this was achieved at Tabernacles of 2000. It allowed us to pour out the first bowls at Champaign, Illinois and to begin the final overthrow of Mystery Babylon.
This final phase also ran parallel to the seventh day in the biblical Battle of Jericho, where the people had to march around the city seven times before the walls collapsed. We understood at the time that the collapse of Wall Street would not occur until the completion of this work in October of 2006. After all, the walls of Jericho did not fall until the last trip around the city was completed.
So we settled in for the long work ahead. Even so, within a month of the first bowl of wine being poured out “upon the earth” (Rev. 16:2), we began to see an economic downturn. It came at the end of President Clinton’s term of office, and President Bush had to avert it with tax cuts and cheap money which created a housing bubble for the next few years.
We understood that this bowl upon “the earth” was upon the economic beast that came from the earth in Rev. 13. For this reason, I told the people attending the feast of Tabernacles meeting to watch the economy as the effects of this bowl of wine was directed at the economy.
The warfare began January 29, 2001, as I mentioned last time, and the initial battles against the Golden Calf were completed by March 24, 2001. We began then to pray, “God Bless America.”
In July 2001 a group of us again led the overcomers in a series of battles. These started out as small skirmishes as we encountered smaller groups of the enemy in the heavens for the first few days in July. These battles then escalated suddenly on the night of July 10. By July 11 we found that America itself was coming under spiritual attack, and it seemed as if all hell had broken loose. It was not until the night of July 12 that the battle was won. Apollyon was bound on July 14, and the installation of the archangels over the various continents completed the work on July 16, 2001.
Of course, keep in mind that the effects of this warfare were still not transferred to the earth, yet we were able to see the final result and know that we had indeed won.
September 11, 2001
We took note of the old revelation from 1980 that “July is like September.” Taking note that July 11 was like September 11, we wondered what sort of attack upon America might come into the world at that time.
This date was important for other reasons as well. It was precisely three years after President Clinton prayed “Create in me a clean heart, O God” at the Congressional Prayer Breakfast on Sept. 11, 1998. This, we knew was King Ahab humbling himself according to the pattern in 1 Kings 21:27-29. Ahab did not truly repent, because he did not give back the vineyard that he had stolen from Naboth, but even so, just humbling himself gave the nation of Israel three years of grace and brought the divine judgment in the days of Ahab’s successor (vs. 29).
So also did President Clinton give America three years of grace, and thus the Twin Towers disaster occurred in the days of Clinton’s successor, President Bush.
This was the moment when God removed His hand of protection from America, and the final countdown began that would force the people to agree with our prayer: “God Bless America.” Soon you could see that prayer on every bank building and every church. Even Congress sang it on the steps of the Capitol, and Fed Chairman, Alan Greenspan was among them.
Yes, he was. I saw it on television. And the footage wasn’t even altered. God intends to answer that prayer.
This was the climax of the first year of events after the first bowl of wine was poured out on Oct. 21, 2000.
2001-2002: The Second Bowl
The second bowl of water and wine was poured out into Lake Michigan on October 9, 2001. We understood that the “sea” (Rev. 16:3) was against the beast that came from the sea in Rev. 13. In other words, it was a religious beast.
For this reason, I explained to the people attending the conference in 2002 that they should watch for the effects of this second bowl upon the Church—in particular, the Roman Catholic Church, but not limited to it.
Within a few weeks of the second bowl, Judge Constance Sweeney forced Cardinal Bernard Law of the Boston archdiocese to release the information about one of its priests, John J. Geoghan, who was being charged with child molestation. The records revealed that another 90 priests had been molesting children, and the Church had covered up the crimes for many years.
Geoghan was convicted and sent to prison, and stories began to be printed in the newspapers about hundreds of other priests guilty of the same crimes. Lawsuits abounded and more than one diocese went bankrupt, not only by settling the cases, but because contributions were drastically reduced.
So in the year following the second bowl being poured out into the “sea” (Lake Huron) in Oct. 2001, we began to see moral corruption of various Churches being exposed. Yet keep in mind that these things were still only signs of something greater yet to come, because the judgment upon “Jericho” did not really arrive until all seven marches had been completed.
2002-2003: The Third Bowl
The third bowl of wine was poured out upon the rivers in Rev. 16:4. We were led to pour out this third bowl upon the Mississippi River at the Island of Peace just north of Minneapolis. We understood this to indicate that God was about to judge the Israeli state after first declaring peace to it according to the law in Deut. 20:10.
We knew that this was directed at the Israeli state, because Rev. 16:6 says,
6 for they poured out the blood of saints and prophets, and Thou hast given them blood to drink. They deserve it.
Rev. 18:24 uses the same terms about Babylon:
24 And in her was found the blood of prophets and of saints and of all who have been slain on the earth.
We find that Jesus said essentially the same thing in a prophecy found in Matt. 23:35,
35 that upon you [Jerusalem] may fall the guilt of all the righteous blood shed on earth, from the blood of righteous Abel to the blood of Zechariah, the son of Berechiah, whom you murdered between the temple and the altar. [ref. to 2 Chron. 24:21]
You see, when the Babylonian system was established in the days of Nebuchadnezzar, it turned out to be a long succession of empires (Babylon, Persia, Greece, Rome, the “little horn,” and finally the “feet” of the image).
Each generation of each empire accumulated liability for sin by violating the mandate that God had given them. But the judgment would not hit until the end of time, and then it would strike the “feet” of this beast system. Hence, all the righteous blood from the beginning would be come upon the head of those controlling this beast system of Babylon when the great Stone began to strike the image on its feet.
Whoever was in control of this world system at that time was the one that would be charged with all the bloodshed from the beginning of time. Through the banking system, the Rothschilds and other Jewish banking families took over the control of this Babylonian system of debt-usury. When they succeeded, they became liable for the whole succession of empires from the beginning.
Their very success is their downfall. Hence, Jerusalem has become “Babylon” as well as “Egypt” and “Sodom” (Rev. 11:8).
In 2002 the Israeli forces invaded, occupied and largely destroyed the Palestinian Authority in Ramallah. This empowered Hamas, the rival political organization among the Palestinians, to fill the vacuum. Hamas later won political control in the elections sponsored by international monitors. It is obvious that the Israeli invasion only made peace more remote than ever, if not utterly impossible.
So the third bowl, poured out in October 2002, was about judgment upon the Israeli State, as well as upon the broader scope of Babylon itself. Within the following year, the Israelis began building the Great Wall—the longest since the Great Wall of China—to separate the Palestinians from the Israelis. They used the opportunity to grab more land from the Palestinians and even to divide villages from their agricultural and pasture land.
It is this type of injustice that has caused so much outrage among the Palestinians, which the Israelis then use as an excuse to oppress them further. It is, in fact, the reason for divine judgment.
Furthermore, by erecting this wall, they proved that the Israeli State is NOT the regathered House of Israel that was prophesied in Ezekiel 38 and 39. Ezekiel prophesied of Israelites “that live securely, all of them living without walls and having no bars or gates.”
While “security” is the primary issue in Israeli life, Ezekiel prophesied real security to the extent that no walls, bars, or gates would be necessary. The Israelis have NEVER been so secure, but the Church blindly ignored this obvious fact. The Great Israeli Wall, however, is the greatest proof of all that the Israeli state is NOT the fulfillment of this prophecy.
2003-2004: The Fourth Bowl
According to Rev. 16:8 the angel was to pour out the fourth bowl upon the sun. We were led, as usual, to pour out a bowl of wine as an earthly witness to what was happening in the heavens. (We cause nothing; we only bear witness to what God is doing.)
We were led to hold the feast of Tabernacles meetings that year in Chandler, Arizona, near Phoenix. This area is called “The Valley of the Sun.” The fourth bowl of wine was poured out on Oct. 17, 2003. Five days later, a record-breaking solar flare shot out from the sun. The radiation struck the earth on United Nations Day, October 24.
In fact, for the first time in history, astronomers saw two solar flares on the sun at the same time. More solar eruptions occurred on October 28 and 29. Radiation sped through space at the rate of 5.6 million mph, more than twice as fast as any previously-recorded eruption.
NewsMax reported on Nov. 17, 2003,
“There have been as many as 11 salvos since Oct. 19. . .
“One explosion on Nov. 4 ranks as the most powerful solar flare to be recorded by orbiting instruments—although it was pointed away from earth . . .
“Beginning on Nov. 3, it triggered three flares over several hours. The final flare on Nov. 4 saturated the X-ray detectors on NASA’s GOES satellite, which produces a new image of the sun every minute. The satellite was blinded for 11 minutes.
“Luckily for Earth, the sunspot cluster was rotating off the sun’s face and out of view. Most of its fury was directed harmlessly into space. Officially, it is ranked as X28. But some researchers believe it might’ve registered an astonishing X40.
“Previously, the most intense flares were a pair of X20’s . . . ‘What is clear is that the latest flare is the strongest ever recorded,’ Brekke said.”
These signs followed the fourth bowl of wine shortly after it was poured out in The Valley of the Sun, Oct. 17, 2003. It signifies judgment upon leaders, and since the first major flare occurred on United Nations Day, it is likely that this is an indicator of the type of leadership that is coming under divine judgment.
2004-2005: The Fifth Bowl
Revelation 16:10 says that the fifth bowl was to be poured out upon “the throne of the beast.” We were led to go to Washington D.C. to bear witness of this. The fifth bowl was poured out at Scott Circle, due north of the White House, on the “forehead” of the image of Baphomet that is built into the pentagram (street layout of the city).
The White House is positioned at the “mouth” of Baphomet in order to make each president the spokesman for this “beast.” When it was surveyed in the 1790’s in preparation for building the federal city, the lot chosen for the White House was lot #666.
In the street layout, 16th Street going north from the White House is meant to portray a candle in the midst of the pentagram. Scott Circle is the top of the Candle. Immediately north of Scott Circle is the “wick” of the candle, portrayed by ten white statues of Venus along the side walk.
Four blocks north is the Masonic House of the Temple, which is supposed to represent the fire (light) on the wick of the candle, as if to say that the Masonic Order is the light of the nation.
We poured out the fifth bowl of judgment at Scott Circle, named after General Winfield Scott, a Masonic general who presided over the Trail of Tears in 1838. His monument is strangely identified by a single word, Scott. No title, no credentials, not even a first name. Yet he was the longest-serving general in American history. If it were not for the General Scott Hotel across the street, one would not even know that he was an army general.
I believe that this strange label was done purposely in order to give the monument a double meaning. Scott refers also to the Scottish Rite of Freemasonry. The monument to General Scott is the throne of the beast where we gave notice to this beast system of God’s declaration of war.
Washington D.C. was designed by a French Catholic freemason named Charles L’Enfant. His name means “the infant,” and it is a reference to the Christ Child. So it was not surprising that shortly after we poured out this bowl of wine, we saw signs following.
This time it took the form of the World Series, where the Boston Red Sox beat the St. Louis Cardinals on Oct. 27. It was significant to sports fans as the time when Boston “reversed the curse.” They had not won a World Series since trading Babe Ruth to the New York Yankees in 1918.
“Babe” Ruth was called by the Spanish nickname, “The Bambino,” which in French is L’Enfant. The USA Today reported on the World Series by saying, “No longer will there be a curse.” So when “the curse of the Bambino” was reversed in October 2004, it was a sign to us of the coming reversal of the curse that has been upon Washington D.C. since its founding in 1791.
It appears now that this reversal may be applicable in the year 2010, since that is 210 years after the city was built and became our nation’s capital. The year 1800 was also 12 x 210 years (or 2,520 years, “seven times”) after Israel’s capital, Samaria, was destroyed in 721 B.C.
2005-2006: The Sixth Bowl
We held our Tabernacles conference in Denver in 2005. From there we crossed the mountain to a little town near Grand Junction named Fruita, where we poured out the sixth bowl in the Colorado River.
Rev. 16:12 says that the sixth bowl was to be poured into the River Euphrates to prepare for a final battle. Euphrates means “fruitful,” because it comes from the same root as Ephrata and Ephraim. The Euphrates River was the life blood of Babylon. Today it represents money, the “liquidity” of the modern Babylonian banking system.
So on Sept. 26, 2005 we poured out the bowl at Fruita, which means the same as Euphrates. We also spoke the word prophetically, “Be dry” (quoting Isaiah 44:27), knowing that this was a prophetic word of judgment against the very life blood of Babylon—money.
Two days later, House Speaker Tom DeLay was indicted on various charges, and he resigned as Minority Leader the next day, Sept. 29. We understood this in the light of Rev. 10:6, “there shall be delay no longer.” We had long felt that when Tom DeLay was gone, it would be a sign that we were near the end of the time of Babylon’s reign. For him to resign within a few days of the sixth bowl poured out at Fruita told us that we had now come to the final events that would prepare the way for Babylon’s defeat.
On January 7, DeLay finally gave up plans to return to his former position, after two of his aides were convicted in the Jack Abramoff scandal. His final resignation from political office came on June 9, 2006. At that point there was truly “delay no longer.”
Meanwhile, on December 18, Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon had a small stroke and was hospitalized. On January 4 he had a massive stroke, which put him into a permanent coma. Since his name Ariel is one of the poetic names for Jerusalem (Isaiah 29:1), we took this as a sign of the soon-coming fate of Jerusalem.
It appeared to us that these events were preparing the way for the final battle that will destroy Jerusalem, as prophesied in Isaiah 29:1-6 and Jer. 19:10, 11. Isaiah’s description sounds very much like a nuclear incident, while Jeremiah tells us that the city will be destroyed and never be rebuilt or repaired again.
Yet the fact that Ariel Sharon has not died, but has remained in a coma to this day, seems to indicate that the death of Jerusalem is not an immediate event. This is one of the things that we are still watching, for when Ariel Sharon actually dies, I believe it will signify that Jerusalem is soon to be destroyed.
2006-2007: The Seventh Bowl
The seventh bowl was to be poured into the air (Rev. 16:17) with the words, “It is done.” We were led to bear witness to this in Babylon, NY on Oct. 7, 2006. From there we drove to Reading, PA for a Tabernacles conference the following week at the Abraham Lincoln Hotel.
The “Lincoln” theme signified that God was ending our slavery under Jericho/Babylon. A month later, on Nov. 29, 2006, precisely 13 years after the Jubilee Prayer Campaign had begun this “Jericho march” in 1993, the television series, “Jericho” aired its final episode. The timing was either highly coincidental, or God was behind it.
We understood that the walls of Jericho represented Wall Street and the monetary system in general. And we knew by the patterns of all the previous bowls since the year 2000 that we would see this economic collapse begin within the following year—that is, before the end of 2007. By July of 2007 the crisis began with the housing market.