06/01/2009 - Healing the Waters of Jericho—Part 2

Healing the Waters of Jericho

Part 2

Date: 06/01/2009

Issue No. 251

In April of this year we spent the Passover season in the state of Virginia at the Conference for Stone Kingdom Ministries. While there, we went to Norfolk, VA and to Virginia Beach.

Just before the Second Passover a month later, we went to the Virgin Islands (near Puerto Rico), where our daughter was getting married. From there, we flew back to Minnesota on May 8, which was the Preparation Day for the Second Passover. The next day, which was the actual day of the Second Passover, we drove to Norfolk, Nebraska to see what the Father wanted the Salt Company to do in regard to healing the waters of Jericho.

The coincidence of timing, along with the repeat of names (Norfolk and Virginia/Virgin Islands) made us take notice that we were seeing an echo effect in May from the first Passover in April.

While I was in the Virgin Islands, I also had a telephone call from Canada inquiring about a possible spiritual attack. Since we had experienced such an attack just before the first Passover, it was not much of a surprise that we would find ourselves again under attack a month later.

Such attacks come in a variety of ways, and one comes to expect them as routine, although they can be quite traumatic for those being attacked, especially if they are spiritually vulnerable for any reason. When Paul said in Eph. 6:11, “Put on the full armor of God,” he knew what he was talking about. The battle is real and has very real consequences in our lives, regardless of our understanding of how such things work.

The Salt Covenant

In Nebraska, we discovered the prophetic significance (to us, at least) of Elijah healing the waters of Jericho with salt (2 Kings 2:19-22). Having overthrown “Jericho” (or Babylon, i.e., the kingdoms of this world) from 1993-2006, we were called to speak the word of healing and restoration. Of course, we are presently still seeing the results of the overthrow of Jericho in the warfare that was done from 1993-2006, and this is expected to continue for an unknown amount of time. Our present work of healing Jericho will not be manifested in the earth until the other has run its course. So do not expect some turnaround in the stock market, and do not expect a biblical monetary system to be legislated by the current Congress.

The Salt Company, mentioned in Part 1, represented the salt of Elisha, because “you are the salt of the earth” (Matt. 5:13). Salt, therefore, prophetically represents people, and the “Salt Company” in turn represented all those who are the salt of the earth. Only God knows who they all are; I only know a few of them.

Salt also had reference to the Salt Covenant, which is a subset of the New Covenant. The only difference is that the one uses salt, whereas the New Covenant was ratified by blood. Blood is salty, I might add, and thus the Salt Covenant is included in the New Covenant. For all practical purposes, they are the same thing.

A Salt Covenant is mentioned in Num. 18:19, which God made with the Aaronic priests in that day:

19 . . . it is an everlasting covenant of salt before the Lord to you and to your descendants with you.

Likewise, God gave the Dominion Mandate to David and his seed by a Salt Covenant. 2 Chron. 13:5 says,

5 Do you not know that the Lord God of Israel gave the rule over Israel forever to David and his sons by a covenant of salt?

A Salt Covenant normally was made when two people exchanged a pinch of salt to put into their salt pouches. It was a covenant of peace or reconciliation, the idea being that this covenant could be broken only if the men could return the salt to the original owner. If they had a meal together, eating each other's salt, then they were bound to be friends forever.

Hence, the use of salt in healing Jericho is a Salt Covenant made with the Kingdoms of this world. Jericho is an Old Testament type of Babylon, as I have shown in many past writings.

The Metals of Jericho

When Joshua overthrew Jericho, they were instructed to devote all of the gold, silver, bronze, and iron to the temple of God. Joshua 6:19 says,

19 But all the silver and gold and articles of bronze and iron are holy to the Lord; they shall go into the treasury of the Lord.

These are the same metals that represent the beast empires in King Nebuchadnezzar’s prophetic dream of the great image in Daniel 2:32, 33,

32 The head of that statue was made of fine gold, its breast and its arms of silver, its belly and its thighs of bronze, 33 its legs of iron, its feet partly of iron and partly of clay.

God claims ownership of all the land that He has created (Lev. 25:23; Jer. 27:5). This means that God owns all mineral rights (Hag. 2:8). Identifying these ungodly nations according to these metals prophesies of the great Restoration of All Things, where, as Rev. 11:15 says,

15 . . . The kingdom of this world has become the Kingdom of our Lord and of His Christ; and He will reign forever and ever [i.e., “for the ages of the ages”]

In other words, in the battle of Jericho, God has ordained that all of these kingdoms must be devoted to the treasury of the Lord. Those who oppose this are like Achan, who stole some of it and buried it in the ground under his tent (Joshua 7:1). Prophetically speaking, such people do not want God to receive all nations, but prefer that they be annihilated and buried in the ground.

Israel was judged for the actions of Achan, but this judgment served to correct the situation, put the gold and silver into God’s treasury, and allow Israel to conclude the conquest of Canaan in a lawful manner.

The story of Elisha’s healing of Jericho is another witness of God’s plan to lay claim to all of the kingdoms of the earth. We see from this story that it is established by a Covenant of Peace and Reconciliation that God is making with all families of the earth. This was the original intent in calling Abraham and his seed (Gen. 12:3).

In Nebraska we received revelation about the New Covenant in the discernment process leading up to the formal Decree on Sunday, May 10. Specifically, we were given the New Covenant passage in Hebrews 8 and told to incorporate that into the Decree. The bottom line is that we were to decree on behalf of the Divine Court that God was making a Salt Covenant with “Jericho” (i.e., all the kingdoms of this world). In that it was a New Covenant, it was a one-sided Covenant, where God took upon Himself the responsibility to bless them by turning the hearts of the people.

In the Decree, we were led to read Hebrews 8:10-12, but to make one alteration, applying it not only to the House of Israel and Judah but to the world. In this way, the intent of God in Gen. 12:3 was fulfilled, in that the seed of Abraham was called to be the agent by which all nations would be blessed.

The Decree

Here is the text of the Decree that we (and you with us) made on behalf of the Divine Court, speaking to the world:

“Father, we come before Your Divine Court under the blood of Jesus Christ. We have come here to make a decree to the world. On behalf of the Divine Court, we decree a New Covenant. We decree . . .

“For this is the covenant that I will make with the world after those days, saith the Lord; I will put my laws into their mind, and write them in their hearts; and I will be to them a God, and they shall be to me a people. And they shall not teach every man his neighbor, and every man his brother, saying, ‘Know the Lord,’ for all shall know Me, from the least to the greatest. For I will be merciful to their unrighteousness, and their sins and their iniquities will I remember no more.” (Heb. 8:10-12)

“We make this decree by the authority given to us by the Word of the Lord saying, ‘and in Thy Seed shall all of the kindreds of the earth be blessed'.’ As the Salt Company, we bless the waters of Jericho and proclaim them to be healed. The Word of the Lord says, ‘Be fruitful and bring forth the fruits of the Kingdom’.”

The Three Churches

Just before the release of the Angel Peniel into the world back in October of 1995, God began to reveal the concept of the Three Churches. (See The Wars of the Lord, ch. 14.) In that first Kingdom (under Moses), the House of Israel was given a perfect law (Ps. 19:7). They were told that this law would be their wisdom in the sight of all nations. Deut. 4:5-8 says,

5 See, I have taught you statutes and judgments just as the Lord my God commanded me, that you should do thus in the land where you are entering to possess it. 6 So keep and do them, for that is your wisdom in the sight of the peoples who will hear all these statutes, and say, ‘Surely this great nation is a wise and understanding people.’ 7 For what great nation is there that has a god so near to it as is the Lord our God whenever we call on Him? 8 Or what great nation is there that has statutes and judg-ments as righteous as this whole law which I am setting before you today?

The divine law has been carnalized, pasteurized, and homogenized so often that most people think it is a pretty bad piece of legislation. People are told that if we should adopt the law of God, there would be a bloodbath with millions of people executed unmercifully. The Jews turned the law into their own exclusive possession and called upon God to curse any non-Jew who might study it.

Hence, the impression given by many rabbis was that the law was meant to benefit certain people and enslave the rest of humanity. Many taught the dehumanizing view that non-Jews were incapable of goodness, having “satanic souls” by nature, and that therefore they were given only a few laws known as the Noahide Laws. And so the perfect law of God has been turned into an instrument of slavery and dehumanization, rather than the path to the Jubilee and the glorious liberty of the children of God (Rom. 8:21).

The problem is not the law itself, but the traditions of men which destroyed the law (Mark 7:8). The law is the will of God and expresses His view of how men should conduct themselves with equal justice and mercy for all. In the Age to come, when the nations discover the wisdom of the law, they will want to learn of it. Isaiah 2:2 and 3 says,

2 Now it will come about in the last days the mountain [kingdom] of the house of the Lord will be established as the chief of the mountains [i.e., kingdoms], and will be raised above the hills [i.e., smaller nations]; and all the nations will stream to it. 3 And many peoples will come and say, “Come, let us go up to the mountain of the Lord, to the house of the God of Jacob, that He may teach us concerning His ways, and that we may walk in His paths.” For the law will go forth from Zion, and the word of the Lord from Jerusalem.

Hence, the original “church in the wilderness” under Moses (Acts 7:38) failed to bring righteousness into the earth. Although Israel had been redeemed from Egypt and had expressed their faith by keeping the feast of Passover, they were unable to fulfill the promises of God. Theirs was only a Passover-level Kingdom, and hence, they entered their Promised Land at the time of Passover (Joshua 4:19).

Passover was good, but being justified by faith in the blood of the Lamb (Passover) was insufficient to fulfill the divine purpose for His Kingdom. That purpose was to bring righteousness into the earth. Passover did not impart a great enough measure of the Holy Spirit to accomplish the divine purpose. It is the same today with those who feel that “getting saved” is sufficient.

The second Kingdom began in Acts 2 when “Saul” was crowned on the day of Pentecost. This was the beginning of the second Church, and it was characterized by a greater anointing than was given under Moses. This greater anointing was through the feast of Pentecost (Acts 2:1), known in the law as “the feast of harvest” (Ex. 23:16). In Exodus 34:22 the “harvest” is identified as “the firstfruits of the wheat harvest.” It was offered to God with yeast, or leaven (Lev. 23:17), showing its inherent corruption and inability to bring righteousness to the earth—unless it is placed in the fire to stop the leavening action.

Although this Church was better and more effective than the first Kingdom, it too was flawed by lawlessness and rebellion (“leaven”). Instead of bringing righteousness into the earth, the Church under Pentecost taught people the art of lawlessness, and so became a “mixed bag.” Church history shows that the people soon began to think of Pentecost as a past historical event and largely irrelevant to later generations. In avoiding the “fire” of Pentecost, the leavening action increased unchecked.

Even when the idea of Pentecost was re-introduced to the Church in the early 1900’s, it was not long before the view began to be taught that the “fire” was the devil’s attacks, and that God only wanted men to “prosper” with good things. In avoiding the fire of God and rejecting it as the devil’s handiwork, the people once again found a way to be a Pentecostal offering without being “baked” in the fire. The result is that many have again become corrupted with the leaven of lawlessness.

This Prosperity Doctrine has its modern roots in the writings of Charles Fillmore, who wrote in the early 1900’s during the rise of modern Pentecost. His writings represent the leaven in modern Pentecost, and today we find that his ideas have prevailed, even though most of the Pentecostals have never even heard of Fillmore.

I did a more complete study on Charles Fillmore and his teachings in my FFI series #202-205. I suggest that you look up and read #203 and 204 in particular to refresh your memory. The foundation of his view is the idea that the mind of man, through positive thinking and affirmation, can make people “prosper.” The view is rooted in the idea that man can manipulate God or force Him to give them what they want by using “spiritual” laws of the universe that are available to all. The law of sowing and reaping becomes the law of an impersonal god (defined as “an impersonal force” of nature itself. The focus is shifted away from being in agreement with God to the use of God as our source of prosperity. It shifts sovereignty from God to man and gives man the job of deciding what is right and good, and then telling God what to do about it.

And, in fact, if God does not respond to our will at first, we are told to keep beating down the doors of heaven until God sees it our way. Those who do this are acting more like spoiled brats than children of God.

It has only taken one century to see the full leavening of modern Pentecost from that humble beginning. But it is the prime evidence proving that Pentecost is not qualified to bring righteousness into the earth. It cannot be done by the power of positive thinking, even if they call it “faith,” because it is soul-based, rather than spirit-based.

This entire situation today is pictured in the story of Israel in the wilderness, where, after Moses went up the mount for 40 days, the people set up a golden calf. So also the Church, after Christ ascended for 40 Jubilees, has set up its own golden calf in its love of money. At first it was thought that money and power were the ways to establish the Kingdom of God, and this put the Church onto the path of promoting people based upon their ability to raise funds.

In more recent years the modern measure of spirituality came to be the size of one’s mansion and the cost of one’s Mercedes in the garage. In 1 Tim. 6:3-5 Paul says,

3 If anyone advocates a different doctrine and does not agree with sound words, those of our Lord Jesus Christ, and with the doctrine conforming to godliness, 4 he is conceited and understands nothing … 5 and constant friction between men of depraved mind and deprived of the truth, who suppose that gain (profit, income, wealth) is godliness.

It is this golden calf that we engaged in spiritual warfare in 2001 in the course of the Jericho battle. We were unable to deal with it until after Nov. 30, 2000, when the full authority was granted to the Davidic Company. That date concluded the 7½ year transition from Saul to David.

The second Church (Pentecost) began to come to an end on the 40th Jubilee from its beginning (Acts 2). May 30, 1993 was seen as the death of “Saul,” and the beginning of the end of the authority of the Church leaders of the Pentecostal Age. It was also the beginning of the rise of the third Church, built upon a greater anointing of the Feast of Tabernacles. These are the sons of God, now emerging to bring righteousness in the earth under the headship of Christ.

While I do not know how long this process will take, I believe that it will succeed where the previous Kingdoms failed. We are only at the earliest beginning of this new era, and the many competitors have not yet completed their appeals presenting their case to be given the Birthright.

My particular revelation is that their appeals are flawed and will fail to change God’s mind. Some are based upon their genealogy, some to the antiquity of their religion, some upon the greatness of their religious founders, and others simply appeal to the validity of Pentecost itself.

None of these claims will prove to be valid, for God is looking for spiritual maturity and Christian character that is rooted in Love and Agreement with the will of God. God is not looking for men who can give Him good counsel or who know how to twist His arm. He is looking for those who agree with His plan, are obedient to His will (law), and who defer to Him whenever they do not understand what He is doing or why He does it. In other words, they have faith that He knows what He is doing.

Membership in the Third Church

To become a member of this third Church has nothing to do with membership in an earthly organization. One cannot become a member by submitting to any man, no matter how great he may be. It is fully dependent upon one’s relationship to Jesus Christ alone. He is the High Priest and the King.

It is for this reason that God’s Kingdom Ministries has no formal membership roll. The mailing list is for the purpose of obtaining newsletters and tapes only. It is not a membership insurance policy. I can only do what I can to point people in the direction of Jesus Christ and explain the Kingdom of God in the best way I know how.

Meanwhile, God has worked in my own life, teaching me many things by experience and on-the-job training in the areas of intercession and spiritual warfare. Everyone else has their own story to tell, according to the way God has led them. My story is summarized in my book, The Wars of the Lord, a story that has been 28 years in the making. I shared these things with only a few for many years, because my relationship with Christ is sacred and private to me, and I knew that sharing it in public would cause some to scoff or accuse me of pride and arrogance. That has happened, as expected, but many also have been encouraged and blessed, so I have no regret.