2014: The Year of the Open Door
Date: 11/25/2013
Issue No. 305
On November 6, Darla and I went on a mission trip to the Philippines. The revelation was incredible.
The revelation continues to unfold daily in regard to the importance of the Philippines in the divine plan and its relationship to the “kings of the east” (Rev. 16:12), whom God has raised up to overthrow Mystery Babylon.
Momentous events are about to occur on many levels, and some of the most important events, both economic and spiritual, are centered in the Philippines. Today’s “Cyrus, His anointed, whom I have taken by the right hand to subdue nations before him” (Isaiah 45:1) is working through the Philippines, the biblical land of Ophir, one of the main places where Solomon obtained his gold to build the temple and to establish Israel’s type of the Golden Age of Peace.
At the same time the Holy Spirit is now at the door, in the Year of the Open Door, ready to cross the Jordan into Mindanao, which means “The Promised Land.” It is now clear that the last great worldwide move of the Holy Spirit will begin there and soon explode into the rest of the world. The prophetic word from India coming from Sadhu Sundar Selvaraj of Jesus International confirms this and adds the dimension of divine judgment upon the Philippines. He prophesied last April that a typhoon of unprecedented proportions would soon hit the Philippines. This was no doubt fulfilled in super-typhoon Haiyan. The reason for this judgment, he says, is on account of that nation’s calling to host the next Holy Spirit outpouring.
“God is going to pour out His anointings in seven cities of this nation like never done before anywhere else in the world. You will be the first nation and the first people in the world to receive that kind of an anointing.
“If you remember clearly… [the previous prophetic speaker at his Philippine conference in April 2013] saw a huge menorah, and from the menorah the seven spirits of the Lord came forth, and the seven spirits of the Lord will be poured upon the Philippines, the first of its kind in the world. Because you receive like the firstfruits anointing, the punishment will also be the first of its kind in the world. Blessings first of its kind, and the punishment the first of its kind.”
This dimension of judgment upon the Philippines deserves closer study.
Super-Typhoon Haiyan
Typhoon Haiyan struck the Philippines at 4:40 a.m. on November 8, 2013. We took the last flight from Manila to Davao at 9:00 p.m. the previous evening. The eye of the storm then made landfall in the southern tip of the province of Eastern Samar in the municipality of Guiuan.
“At 1800 UTC, the JTWC estimated the system’s one-minute sustained winds to 315 km/h (196 mph), unofficially making Haiyan the fourth most intense tropical cyclone ever observed. Several hours later, the eye of the cyclone made its first landfall in the Philippines at Guiuan, Eastern Samar, without any change in intensity; if verified, this would make Haiyan the strongest tropical cyclone to make landfall on record, surpassing the old record of 305 km/h (190 mph) set by Atlantic Hurricane Camille in 1969.”
The historical importance of Guiuan in Eastern Samar Province is seen in another article:
“Guiuan played a significant part in Philippine history. In the 16th century, when Ferdinand Magellan discovered the Philippines, it is believed that he first landed on the island of Homonhon. It is probably because of this that the majority of the population are Catholics. The town’s church, the Church of the Immaculate Conception, is one of the oldest in the country.”
From the island of Homonhon, Magellan erected the first cross in Butuan City on the nearby northeast coast of Mindanao. From there he went to Cebu, where he established the first mission. Chief Lapu-Lapu refused to convert to Catholicism, however, and in a battle, Magellan was killed.
This was the introduction of institutional Christianity to the Philippines, which arrived in 1521 at the very place where Haiyan made landfall. It signifies the judgment of God upon the institutional church, the “little horn” of Daniel 7:20, which was to wage war on the saints and overpower them until the time came for the saints to possess the kingdom (Dan. 7:22).
The Little Horn
The “little horn” arose out of the ashes of the Roman Empire in 529-533 A.D., when the laws of the empire were replaced by Church Law. Rev. 13:5, which gives further revelation about the “little horn,” says that it would receive power for 42 months, that is, 1,260 “days” (years) before a second banking beast would arise.
This was fulfilled in the French Revolution 1,260 years later (1789-1793). The first beast of the “little horn” received a fatal wound when Napoleon took the Pope captive in 1798, but then its fatal wound was healed when Napoleon reinstated the papacy in 1804 in order to have the pope crown him as emperor.
These two beasts in Rev. 13, then, existed side by side until now, actually forming a partnership. But this phase has now come to an end from 2009-2013. It is 1480 years since the “little horn” received legal power in 529-533.
The number 1480 is the numeric value of Christ in Greek. The first work of Christ at the cross was accomplished on the 1480th Passover since Israel was delivered from Egypt under Moses. Likewise, the outpouring of the Holy Spirit occurred on the 1480th Pentecost since the first one at Mount Sinai.
Today, as we prepare for the second work of Christ, we find another 1480-year pattern of deliverance, ending in 2009-2013 since the rise of the little horn of religious Rome and the institutional church. This time coincides with the start of the Elisha ministry (April 12, 2009). Since then we saw the first eight miracle-signs of Elisha occur. But on Nov. 14, 2013 we finally saw the ninth sign occur during our mission trip to the Philippines.
In conjunction with this sign, super-typhoon Haiyan made landfall in the place where Magellan landed in the Philippines, demanding that all submit to the institutional church—that is, the little horn. Haiyan prophesies of the outpouring of the Holy Spirit as well as the judgment of God upon the little horn. God intends to judge institutional religion, overthrowing the men who have usurped the headship of Christ. The Holy Spirit is about to take over.
But first, we need to show the meaning of Haiyan.
The Meaning of Haiyan and Petrel
“Petrel is a type of sea bird and Hayan is the Chinese name for petrel.”
(Hai = “sea” in Chinese, hence, the sea bird is known in the West by the Latin name, Petrel.) So what is the meaning of Petrel?
“The word ‘petrel’ comes from the Latin name for the Christian Saint Peter, and refers to the habits of certain species to hover just above the ocean waves, with their feet barely touching the water, thus giving an appearance of walking on water, as St. Peter is said to have done.”
So we see that super-typhoon Haiyan is a sign of Peter walking on the water. It is part of the fifth miracle-sign in the book of John. Although the account in John 6 does not mention Peter’s experience, we know of it through Matthew 14:28-31, which tells the story with this added detail. Peter walked on the water in the midst of a typhoon in the Sea of Galilee.
Petrel and the Signs in John
The way that the book of John was structured reveals eight miracle-signs which represent the eight days of the feast of Tabernacles. Each is followed by teaching or commentary on the meaning of each sign.
The middle signs (#4 and #5) are the central focus of the book. The last half of John 6 gives teaching in regard to the fourth sign, where Jesus fed the 5,000. John 7 gives us the meaning of the fifth sign, where Jesus came to the temple in the midst of the feast of Tabernacles (John 7:2, 14). Hence, after Jesus came to the disciples in the middle of the Sea of Galilee during the storm (tribulation), He again came to the temple in the middle of Tabernacles. Because He walked on the water in the fifth sign in John’s book, we know that Jesus unexpectedly appeared in the temple on the fifth day of Tabernacles.
The fourth sign reveals the purpose of Christ’s first coming, whereas the fifth sign reveals His second coming. The fourth sign is therefore about breaking the bread to feed the world with His body. Jesus thus was born in Bethlehem, “house of bread,” so that men could spiritually “eat” His flesh and “drink” His blood (John 6:53-56). His body first would have to be “broken” in order to feed the world, and so He was crucified to pay for the sin of the world. The “fragments” were then collected to depict His resurrection, and the leftovers were more than they had started with. Jesus was greater in His resurrection than during His ministry on earth.
This New Testament sign runs parallel to the ninth sign of Elisha (2 Kings 4:42-44), where the prophet fed 100 men with twenty small barley loaves.
In early October I received word from Felipe (Philip) in the Philippines that we needed to feed 100 pastors and leaders who were expected to come to the conference in Lake Sebu on Nov. 13 and 14. I immediately recognized this as the ninth sign of Elisha, combined with the fourth sign in the book of John. I rejoiced, because we finally were about to enter the double portion of Elisha—that is, his last eight miracle-signs.
Walking on the Water
After Jesus fed the multitude, He sent the disciples across the sea while He Himself “withdrew again to the mountain by Himself alone” (John 6:15). This prophesies of Christ’s ascension to heaven, while the Church went into the “storm” of tribulation. He then returns, and Peter goes out to meet Him, as Paul said in 1 Thess. 4:17.
Because John placed this story as the fifth sign (representing the fifth day of Tabernacles), it suggests that Christ will return on that day in some future year. The Head will be united with the Body so that the Body—complete in its body parts—can be presented to the Father as the New Creation Man on the 8th day (Ex. 22:29, 30).
The point is that super-typhoon Haiyan, or Petrel, is a pattern-sign of the second coming of Christ. The storm sets the stage for Peter’s walk on the water. And so, when I gave my Philippine Trip reports prior to the trip in late October, I understood that we were going to see both the fourth and fifth signs of John emerge in the Philippines. Little did I know then that I would arrive just as a super-typhoon was about to make landfall!
Pastors Conference at Lake Sebu
Our mission trip to the Philippines involved two main events. First, we attended a wedding on our arrival at Davao City. Then, after teaching for a few days at Maitum (the church and school where I spent time last May/June) we drove to Lake Sebu for the pastors conference on Nov. 13, 14, where we were to feed a hundred men.
I had already done some research online to see if this place had any further prophetic meaning. I found some interesting connections that told me that Sebu (or Cebu) means “walking in the water” and that Lake Sebu was the Sea of Galilee. In fact, I wrote an article on October 29, 2013, and posted it on our website, saying:
Anyway, it appears that at Lake Sebu we will not only feed the hundred pastors, but we will also see the next sign in John, where Jesus walks on the water…
It occurred to us that Lake Sebu is like the Sea of Galilee when Jesus walked on the water. In researching Lake Sebu, I found that its size is given as 360 hectares. The number 360, as Ron has so often mentioned, is a full 360-degree circle. Galilee itself means “circuit,” or circle….
Some intercessor friends who live not far from Cebu in the Philippines sent me this link today:
“Cebuano” [the language of Cebu City and Lake Sebu] comes from the root word “Cebu,” the Spanish version of the original name “Sugbo,” which most probably comes from the verb “sugbo,” meaning “to walk in the water.” In the old days, the shores of the Cebu port were shallow, so travelers coming from the sea had to wade in the water to get to dry land.
That sounds like the sign in John 6, where Jesus walked on the water as if it were shallow….
All in all, I am expecting an eventful trip.
Yet as I wrote this, it occurred to me that in order to walk on water, there must first be a storm. I began to write this in that article, but then deleted it, because I did not want to worry anyone prior to the trip. I figured we might see a storm on Lake Sebu itself, or some other kind of “tribulation,” which I could then report when I returned. I did not dream that I would encounter the greatest typhoon ever to make landfall in recorded history. Since it made the news around the world, it worried some of you anyway!
My intercessor friends near Cebu (actually, the city of Bacolod) warned me of possible danger from Muslim insurgents in the area, but as it turned out, they were in more danger than I was. Even so, I knew the Lord would take care of them, so I did not worry about them. They came to Manila and met Darla and I as we were heading back from our trip. They told us how they had prayed, and the typhoon went north of Bacolod.
Being on the back side of a typhoon meant that the winds were less severe. Their house and coffee shop received no damage, and the next week they were able to fly out of the airport and meet us in Manila. They even took us out to eat at the best buffet in the city. It was at the Shangri-la Hotel, the best hotel in the country where all the dignitaries and politicians stay when they come to Manila.
So we started our venture by “feeding a hundred men,” and ended by being fed with the best food in the country. That was our final experience before leaving Manila the following morning, November 18.
Moving the Coronation Stone in 1996
When the date of November 14 was set for the pastors conference in Lake Sebu, I recalled that the Coronation Stone left Westminster Abbey on that same date in 1996 was carried in procession to Edinburgh, Scotland.
This Coronation Stone had been taken to London 700 years earlier in 1296 A.D. It was placed under the Coronation Chair in Westminster Abbey, and all the kings since then have been crowned on that stone.
Even earlier, the Scottish kings had been crowned on the same stone since 834 A.D. Before that, it was in Ireland, where the Irish kings were crowned on the stone. Before that, it had been in Jerusalem, where the kings of Judah were crowned on the same stone. Jeremiah took the stone, David’s harp, the Ark of the Covenant, and the daughters of King Zedekiah to Ireland around 579 B.C.
The stone represents the divine right to rule, for it is reputed to be the stone that Jacob anointed in Gen. 28:18, making it a type of Christ (“the anointed one”). Jacob made Joseph its guardian, or “shepherd” (Gen. 49:24). Paul says in 1 Cor. 10:4 that this rock “followed them” out of Egypt, and the people drank from that rock.
So in Daniel 7:22, 27, when the divine right to rule is returned to the saints of the Most High, the transfer of this dominion is represented by the transfer of the Coronation Stone in 1996. This event marks the end of the four beast empires—including the dominion of the little horn, the religious beast that arose out of the fall of the Western Roman Empire.
The Coronation Stone arrived in Edinburgh on St. Andrews Day, Nov. 30, 1996. Presiding over the ceremony was Prince Andrew. The patron saint of Scotland is St. Andrew.
Andrew means “manly,” or “of man.” We noted at the time that this transfer of authority was from the princes of men (Prince Andrew) to the saints of the Most High (the Saint Andrews).
The transition from Nov. 14-30, 1996 established the timing of the present transition in 2013. What began on Nov. 14, 2013 in Lake Sebu should be completed by Nov. 30. Whatever happens will be the fulfillment of the ninth sign of Elisha, as well as the fourth sign of John.
The Capital of the Kingdom
Another pattern that speaks into this authority transfer occurred in the year 2000.
During our Tabernacles conference in Champaign, Illinois on October 20-22, 2000, the main revelation was: “No longer consider yourselves to be separate from Christ.” This centered on the revelation of the marriage feast of Cana (John 2), for in a marriage the two become one. We also noted that this related to the coronation of King David over all the tribes of Israel.
When Saul died, David ruled over a single tribe (Judah) for seven years and six months (2 Sam. 5:5) before being crowned king over all Israel. After his full coronation, the first thing he did was to conquer Jerusalem (2 Sam. 5:7) and set up his throne there.
We took note that prophetic “Saul” had died on May 30, 1993 on the 40th Jubilee since Pentecost in Acts 2. This date ended the reign of Saul, the Pentecostal, and began the reign of “David.” At the Tabernacles conference in October 2000, David was crowned king over all Israel, marrying the Head with the Body.
During the Tabernacles conference, Sunny Day Roberts invited people to meet at the House on the Rock in Wisconsin the following month on Nov. 28-30. The revelation coming out of those meetings was to proclaim the conquest of Old Jerusalem (Nov. 29) and establish the capital of the Kingdom in the New Jerusalem the next day on Nov. 30. This was precisely 7½ years since the death of “Saul” on May 30, 1993.
Hence, by following the theme of David’s two-step rise to power as king of Israel, we saw the transfer of authority from Saul to David being completed on Nov. 30, 2000. This was the same date in 1996 that the Coronation Stone had completed its move to Edinburgh, prophesying of the transfer of dominion from the little horn to the saints of the Most High.
Both Saul and the little horn represent the Roman church in different ways.
We did not know, either in 1996 or in 2000, that the dominion of the little horn would end after 1480 years in 2013. With this recent revelation these past prophetic signs have now been clarified, and we believe that Nov. 30 will mark a very important threshold in prophetic history.
We expect to see the start of the Open Door Ministry as the double portion is given to the saints through the ninth sign of Elisha. The outpouring of the Spirit will follow, beginning on Mindanao in the Philippines.