Cover Letter for August 2015 FFI

Cover Letter for the August 2015 FFI

Date: 08/01/2015

Issue No. 325 - Cover Letter

Dear Friends,

The Tabernacles Conference in Branson, MO is scheduled for October 2-4, 2015. We finally received the revelation about the main theme of the conference. It is “Cleanse the House.”

How does this fit with the general flow of prophecy? Last year at the Tabernacles conference, the theme was about the transfer of authority from the kingdoms of this world to the saints of the Most High. Then at Passover last April it was about the coronation of the overcomers. Now it is about cleansing the house of David to prepare the way for the outpouring of the Holy Spirit during the ministry of the overcomers.

The conference will be held at the Chateau on the Lake in Branson, MO. A picture of the Chateau is on the front page of my web site at:


To make reservations online, go to this link:

You can also call the Chateau on the Lake at


to make room reservations 7 days a week, 8am -7pm. No code is needed, only the dates and name of the event (i.e., God’s Kingdom Ministry Conference). Our special rate is $119/night.

Confirmed conference speakers: Stephen Jones, Ron Oja, James Bruggeman, Rob Corry, Mark Eaton, and Vincent Imperial and family. (This may not be a complete list.)

Prayer Campaign to Prepare for the Conference

On the night of July 20, 2015, we received word from God that we were to hold a prayer campaign to prepare for the Tabernacles conference. The title is: Cleanse the House prayer campaign. We were given the dates of July 21 and 22, which are the beginning points of a 76-day cycle leading to the end of the Tabernacles conference (Oct. 4).

As most of you know, 76 is the biblical number of cleansing, so it is appropriate that this would be a 76-day cycle. The model prayer, given below, is the prayer that we wrote in a weblog dated July 21. Those who read these weblogs online were able to participate on the actual two days of the prayer campaign. But for those of you who are hearing it for the first time in this cover letter, you can also participate, because God is not bound by time. Your prayer will be retroactive to July 21, 22 in unity with the rest of the body.

The following model prayer is designed to bring all prayer partners into unity of focus and purpose. You may add to it as led by the Spirit. The only iron-clad rule is to be led by the Spirit. Pray for a minimum of two days:

Our Heavenly Father, we come before you in the name of Jesus and under His blood, by which we have received forgiveness and cleansing from all sin.

We put on the whole armor of God: the helmet of salvation, the breastplate of righteousness, the belt of truth, the shoes of the preparation of the gospel of peace, and the shield of faith. We take the sword of the Spirit as our New Covenant weapon of choice, which alone can conquer the world and put all things under the feet of Jesus Christ, our King.

Cleanse our hearts, Father, from all unrighteousness, and if there is any wrong attitude, any lack of love, any unforgiveness that we may retain toward others, we pray that You would purify our hearts by the washing of the word. We put to death the carnal mind and deny it any authority in our lives. We ask that You will give us the mind of Christ, so that we will be able to fulfill our callings on earth and walk even as Jesus walked.

Father, cleanse your house, so that there would be no hindrance to the outpouring of the Holy Spirit or to the work that your household is preparing to do in the time ahead.

We ask that You would pour out the baptism of fire to cleanse our nation and the world, so that Your Kingdom might grow until it fills the whole earth. Extend your grace wherever there is anything contrary to Your perfect will. We ask not that You would destroy the earth, but that the earth would be cleansed by the holy fire of Your presence.

Thank-you, Heavenly Father, for hearing our prayer. We thank you in advance for answering and for granting our request, because we know that we ask according to Your perfect will, in the name of Jesus. AMEN.

Thank-you for your participation and labor to establish His Kingdom.