Passover Conference 2016 Chateau on the Lake Branson, Missouri
Date: 02/05/2016
Issue No. 331 - Cover Letter
The Passover conference this year will be at the Chateau on the Lake in Branson, Missouri.
Dates of the Conference
It will begin Friday morning, April 1, 2016 and end Sunday evening, April 3.
Dr. James Bruggeman, Ronald Oja, Rob Corry, Mark Eaton, Robby Yeats, Dr. Stephen Jones, and maybe more.
The hotel’s room rate is normally $179/day, but we have secured it for the special rate of $119/day.
To make reservations online, go to this link:
The online dates run from Thursday evening until Tuesday morning. If you want to book extra days either before or after these dates, you will have to call the hotel direct and tell them the dates you want to stay there. They will honor the special rate for extra days.
A one night deposit will be charged at time of booking.
Their number is: 888-333-5253
to make room reservations 7 days a week, 8am -7pm. No codes are needed. Just tell them you are attending the God’s Kingdom Ministry Conference, and tell them the dates.
Trip to New Zealand and Australia
Darla and I are scheduled to fly to New Zealand on February 9, 2016, arriving at Auckland on February 10. We will then fly to Christchurch, where I will be teaching and visiting for a few days. We will then fly to the north end of the country and teach at Coopers Bay for close to a week. From there, we will be going south to Maungatapere for a week. Then we are scheduled to fly to Melbourne, Australia for about 5 days, leaving on March 1st. We should be back home late in the evening on the same day, March 1st.
The flights overseas and back are quite long and grueling, but we love it once we arrive and are met by good friends. Pray for success in whatever God is doing in these trips. Also, pray that we will have good discernment to know His purpose and what He is speaking in each place.
Thanks once again to all of you who have contributed toward our ministry this past year. Some of you have been very generous. Though I do not often send out individual Thank-You notes, be assured that we appreciate your gifts very much. By the time you get this cover letter, you should have gotten your yearly receipt for donations in 2015.
Thanks also for your prayer support. God has blessed us abundantly in so many ways.
As most of you are aware, when we have financial needs, I go to the Source of all resources, God Himself, rather than send letters appealing for money. I made this arrangement with the Father 20 years ago when I returned to the ministry after a lengthy absence. I told Him at the time that if He wanted me to return to ministry work, He would have to be my financial planner and fund raiser, because fund raising horrifies me. I figured that since He owns the ministry, He ought to be the One to fund whatever projects He wants me to do. If He does not fund it, then I would know that it was not His will for me to do it—or perhaps it was not yet time to do it.
It was my intention to take God at His word in Malachi 3:10, where He says, “prove Me now… if I will not open you the windows of heaven and pour you out a blessing.” By not appealing to you, but to God alone, this was my way of “proving God.” It was important for me to know that this is God’s work, not mine, and His provision has confirmed my calling.
So that is why I hardly ever mention money or financial needs. I want God to be the one speaking to others, and I want others to respond to His voice, not to mine. Neither do I want people to respond to my needs, or the needs of this ministry, but rather to respond to His leading alone.
God has honored this arrangement over the years and has proven Himself faithful. Even so, after thanking God, I thank all of you too for supporting the work of this ministry.