October 2016 FFI Cover Leter
Date: 10/01/2016
Issue No. 339 - Cover Letter
Dear Friends,
We had a great Tabernacles conference in September. The live streaming went very well after a minor glitch at the very beginning. The U-Tube videos of the speakers are posted on my website, so those of you who missed it can view them any time free of charge, or even download them to your own disk.
We counted 150 people at the conference at one of the meetings. Since there are always a few not present at any given meeting, the total attendance was probably about 160-170. There is no way to know precisely how many watched the conference online, because we could only count how many computers were logged on. We do not know how many were watching at any of those locations. No doubt this more than doubled the attendance.
Many people from around the world commented in the chat room during the sessions. Their feedback told us that the broadcast was clear, both with the video and the sound system. So we were very happy about that, as it is important to us that others be able to participate.
As for my own message, I talked about the online Bible School that we have been developing for many years. Now that the curriculum is almost finished, and God has called a director for the school, we hope to be fully operational about the first of the year (January 2017).
The Online Bible School
We received a major breakthrough when the Father led us to organize the curriculum according to the fivefold ministry (Ephesians 4:11, 12). In essence, our plan is to train and equip people in five areas:
Each of the above “Modules” need certain teachings that are necessary for effective ministry. The Apostles (at the end) are the “missions” phase, rather than a course per se. It is the practical implementation of the previous teaching. The way we handle this will depend upon other factors, especially funding, but the important thing is to equip and train people in the Word for whatever type of ministry that people are called to do.
I am currently finishing my commentary on the book of Revelation, and the last four books on Revelation should be ready for distribution by the end of October (hopefully). The first four books are now ready and can be ordered on our online store, or by mail for $15 each. Or, if you prefer, all the teachings are available for reading online free of charge.
Translating Books
Once the school is fully operational, the next step will be to expand our outreach by translating all the books in every major language in the world. (Is that all???) In the past, we have had volunteers translate quite a few of our books, which we greatly appreciate, but we have been unable to pay people to do this work. We have had many inquiries from other countries to see if we need translators, but most of them are looking for employment and cannot afford to do volunteer work. I have kept their contact information and will write to them when we are able to pay them properly.
My vision is to be able to teach the Scriptures in every country, whether I am able to go there personally or not. The internet covers virtually the whole earth now, but only some of the people can read English. We look forward to the day when we can train people in their own language and even set up Bible Schools in every country.
Am I asking God for too much? I don’t think so. I sincerely believe that this is what He wants us to do. At any rate, this is my vision for the future, and we have been laying foundations for this since the beginning. It is what you have been supporting all these years. (Thank-you!) The first thing that I have had to do is to write the text books for a Bible School curriculum. Now that I am completing this, God has suddenly given us a director and the format based on the five-fold ministry. The director still works full time as a corporate executive here in Minneapolis and will not be able to quit his job and do this ministry work full time until God provides the funding for this, but we have every reason to expect this to happen soon.
The Website
A few years ago God gave us Dave and Sherry Weaver (and family) to set up a new and secure website, so that we could make these books and weblogs available online. This represented a huge breakthrough, which enhanced our outreach tremendously. They have been working with me full time in this ministry, doing the technical side of the ministry. This has laid the foundations for the school as well.
Their entire family (and my two boys) worked together at the conference to make the live streaming possible. They were all lined up at the back of the room, each having responsibility for a different aspect of the work. Dave has trained them all in computer technology and programming, so that the whole family is involved in this technical work. I cannot tell you how much of a blessing this is.
The Prison Ministry
A few months ago we began to put our spiral-bound commentaries into a format that could be sent into prisons. Since most of the prisons do not allow spiral-bound books, we have been hindered from providing inmates with these teachings for many years. But now we are in the process of printing up a few at a time and binding them with two plastic posts which are acceptable to prisons. At the same time, we are sending prisoners a literature list, marked “Literature Free to Inmates.”
As many of you know, we do not charge inmates for our books, as they do not have the money to pay for them, and they also have the greatest need for these teachings. We have seen many lives changed for good over the years. All it takes is a little investment in their lives. Once we have converted all of our spiral-bound books to “post-bound,” then the biggest problem we will have is that many inmates do not have money for a postage stamp and envelope to send us their request for free books.
Even so, we are seeing much progression in our ministry. A lot of foundational and preparatory work has been done over the past 20 years or more, and I believe we are now at the threshold of another great breakthrough in the Kingdom work that we are called to do. For this we thank God, but we also thank you for your support which has made this possible. We believe that exciting times are ahead.
God bless.