Cover Letter for May 2017 FFI

Cover Letter for May 2017 FFI

Date: 05/05/2017

Issue No. 346 - Cover Letter

Dear Friends,

We will soon see many of you at our conference May 12-14. The 50 rooms that we originally contracted for were filled rather quickly, but the hotel has agreed to reserve another 10 rooms per day for us and also to accommodate more, as long as there is vacancy.

Apparently, there are no large conventions or sports events in Minneapolis that week end. So it appears that we do not have a specific deadline or quota to meet.

Reservations can be made online by going here:

The hotel address and telephone number is:

DoubleTree Hotel

1500 Park Place Blvd.

Minneapolis, MN 55416

Tel: 952-542-8600

New Books

We have two new books now available:

Hosea: Prophet of Mercy, Book 1 and 2

Book 1 covers chapters 1-5 of Hosea. Book 2 covers chapters 6-14. I added a few charts, maps, and pictures in Book 1 to make it easier to understand.

The books are $15 each. Postage is free.

I am currently working on First Corinthians and Jonah and hope to have them completed by the end of the year. In my so-called “spare time,” I am also working on my third novel, which is a sequel to the first two novels. In this book, I am going back in time to Israel to the time when Samuel and Samson are five years old, and then skipping fifteen years to when the boys are 20 years old.

The overall theme of this book is God’s provision in all things while preparing to establish the Kingdom. Samson and Samuel are the last judges in Israel before the first monarchy is set up. Both judges are Nazirites and both are about the same age. In the last part of the book, we attend a feast of Tabernacles at Shiloh, where the first seven speeches of Moses are studied each day, and where we see patterns in the first seven signs in the book of John.

These novels are my “fun time.” I enjoy writing them, not only because I enjoy creative writing, but because I have a strong sense of the leading of the Holy Spirit as I write. I will probably post this book as online weblogs when finished, as I did the first two novels.