Oct 2007
Polycarp was born about 69 A.D. just a few years after the death of Peter, Paul, and James. He was a disciple of John, a younger…
Oct 2007
John Hagee, who is trying to become the leading spokesman for Christian Zionism, has now come out with his latest book, In …
Oct 2007
The Roman Empire reached its zenith under Hadrian, who built the famous boundary wall in the north of Britain and formally incor…
Oct 2007
The Saudi government and the Middle East in general are quite concerned over the declining value of their bonds and dollars whic…
Oct 2007
The early second century saw the last of the Hebrew-Christian leaders who left us any sort of legacy in writing. Symeon was mart…
Oct 2007
For football fans, here is an interesting article comparing believers with overcomers in terms of those who make the team and th…
Oct 2007
When the Church was driven from its Hebrew roots into the culture of the Greeks, the moral outlook changed. Previously, righteou…