Oct 2007
I received this good question recently:
I just read the October FFI and would appreciate/direct to Scripture, writings, or ot…
Oct 2007
The biblical story of King Saul tells us about the problems that would later develop in the Church. I mentioned three of the mai…
Oct 2007
Whistleblower issue for July 2006 writes this:
Today, the entire Western financial world holds its breath every time the Fed …
Oct 2007
When Christianity was small, it needed very little organization. As it grew, however, more organization was needed simply to acc…
Oct 2007
From my first response to Dr. Cawtha, he wrote again, and I thought it would be beneficial to post it online for all to read. By…
Oct 2007
I received this question from a reader and thought that it would be of interest to a wider audience, so I am posting the questio…
Oct 2007
The domain address gods-kingdom.org will be intermittent over the next day or so as mentioned in the previous website update 9/2…
Oct 2007
The Bar-Cochba revolt severed any remaining ties between Christianity and Judaism. Philip Schaff says that Bar-Cochba "caused al…