Jul 2007
As I wrote earlier, Nov. 30, 2000 ended the 7-1/2 year transition from Saul to David, prophetically speaking. But this statement…
Jul 2007
Understanding the Law of Headship, based upon the concept of authority itself, is important in knowing our callings in the earth…
Jun 2007
The Kingdom will not succeed when based only upon one's knowledge of the Bible. It will succeed when the Bible becomes a Li…
Jun 2007
By the Hezekiah Factor, we declared the Jubilee on September 23, 1996 (the Day of Atonement, or Jubilee). I think I should expla…
Jun 2007
Paul tells us in Romans 11 that Israel's failure, stumbling, transgression, and rejection did not mean that the promises of God …
Jun 2007
I simply had to share this with you. You'll be glad you watched it and will see how this Korean girl overcame tremendous handica…
Jun 2007
The European Union called off its plan to vote on the legislation making Darwin's Theory of Evolution the "official ideology" of…
Jun 2007
Last year I wrote a series of web logs under the heading, "The Prophetic History of the United States." These are now compiled i…