Jun 2007
Any discussion of modern Israel must begin with the distinction between Israel and Judah. After the United Kingdom split in 1 Ki…
Jun 2007
It was built into the divine plan that all flesh would fail, in order to prove that only God can succeed. The measure of man's s…
Jun 2007
James Bruggeman has just completed a new book entitled Sacred Secrets of the Sovereignty of God," with the subtitle: "Who i…
Jun 2007
We showed last time how the age prior to the cross was an age of failure. First Israel failed, and God removed His glory from Sh…
Jun 2007
Pastor Don Hendricks wrote me an email today to clarify/correct an earlier statement that I had made concerning his background.
Jun 2007
Grace is free. Revelation Truth can cost you everything. These are called "pearls" in the Bible because of their value.
This pa…
Jun 2007
If I were a Dispensationalist, I would call the age prior to the Cross "The Age of Failure." It was characterized by the failure…
Jun 2007
Former Representative Paul Findley of Illinois writes a very important article as few would dare to put into print: "High Cost o…