Nov 2006
One of the most destructive results of the carnal mind's dualistic thinking, in my opinion, is the idea that the Old Testament G…
Nov 2006
Noah's flood was a disaster for the unbelievers, who did not understand the truth of the situation until the flood came and took…
Nov 2006
Someone sent me the address of a nice, short article on the Federal Reserve System with many pictures that is quite easy reading…
Nov 2006
The sheer magnitude of this week's tidal wave (elections) is now beginning to emerge. We had been shown last month, as you know,…
Nov 2006
This is really big news and shows just how devastating this election is to the Republicans and to President Bush himself. Though…
Nov 2006
In listening to the news this morning, I heard our (R-Minn.) Secretary of State interviewed. She was asked why she thought she h…
Nov 2006
This news is related to the other weblog posted today, where I talked about Washington State being spiritually connected to Wash…
Nov 2006
A number of you have seen a connection between Hagar and Haggard and wondered if there is anything to this. Years ago, I would h…