Nov 2006
It is easy to see how so many people can become discouraged by the Time Factor when following the leading of the Lord. When we b…
Nov 2006
On November 21, 1947 the United Nations was presented the Palestinian Resolution. It was debated and then passed on November 29,…
Nov 2006
Each new prophetic year begins and ends with the feast of Tabernacles. God always does something new each year and has a differe…
Nov 2006
On May 17, 2005 an American film director named Cyrus Kar was arrested in Iraq and treated like a terrorism suspect. He was Iran…
Nov 2006
The formation of the Israeli state in 1948 was the fulfillment of two sets of Bible prophecy. The first was Isaac's promise to E…
Nov 2006
When the Israeli state was founded in 1948, it was hailed by many Christians as the fulfillment of Bible prophecy. They were rig…
Nov 2006
Last week end the United States vetoed its 80th United Nations resolution. It was the 30th time the US has vetoed a resolution i…
Nov 2006
Many of you reading this are relatively new readers. I hope that you will take the time to go back and read some of the earlier …