Oct 2006
Debka-file reports that there are to be three Carrier Strike Groups poised off the coast of Iran shortly. They are: the Iwo…
Oct 2006
When we were born, we experienced the trauma of separation that we had not known while in the womb. It was in the plan of God th…
Oct 2006
America is amassing a large naval strike force in the Persian Gulf. The Eisenhower Strike Group is due to arrive there on Octobe…
Oct 2006
This report was sent to me recently, and I thought I would pass it on to you. For those of you who are unaware of the Church in …
Oct 2006
When God created the universe, it was said in Gen. 1:2, "And the earth was [or became] formless and void" (NASB). Man …
Oct 2006
On the BBC News last evening, they reported a recent poll taken worldwide in which they asked if torture was acceptable as a gov…
Oct 2006
I stated in part one that there are two ways to fight a war. There is the Old Covenant method, which utilizes the physical sword…
Oct 2006
When we poured out the vial at Amityville Cemetery on Oct. 7, part of its purpose was to reconcile an underlying problem of "bad…