Oct 2006
Thank-you for praying with us in regard to our 'Tabernacles conference this past week end. It was truly the best conference that…
Oct 2006
In John 7:37-39 Jesus prophesied about the Holy Spirit on the eighth day of Tabernacles. I believe that this set the timing for …
Oct 2006
Today we begin our week end Tabernacles conference in the Philadelphia area. When we arrived here earlier on October 6th, we not…
Oct 2006
Paul says in 1 Thess. 2:13,
"For this cause also we thank God without ceasing, because when you received the word of God whic…
Oct 2006
Many years ago, I watched certain men of God as they were led by the Spirit. They would often travel thousands of miles at times…
Oct 2006
Here is an interesting article, showing how the U.S. government is coming to the conclusion that Iraq has to be subdivided.
Oct 2006
We have reached the end of the spiritual work to pour out the vials, and can now expect to see the fruit of our labor in the com…
Oct 2006
On October 7, 2006 I gathered in Babylon, New York with a group of 35 to bear witness of the time of the seventh vial. We were l…