Sep 2006
Origen of Alexandria was just seventeen when he became the head of the Church in Alexandria. The persecution of Emperor Severus …
Sep 2006
What the leaders of the early Church believed carries only a little more weight than what modern Christians think the Bible says…
Sep 2006
The Bible focuses primarily upon the history of the Birthright, which originally included the Dominion Mandate--the right to rul…
Sep 2006
This is an unusual development, if true. Apparently, many non-Mexican illegals coming in from Mexico, who are from Iran or …
Sep 2006
When I was a child growing up as a missionary kid in the Philippines, we sang many times about Christ our Redeemer. My…
Sep 2006
Here is a very important article about the abuse of prisoners, not only at Guantanamo, but other U.S. prisons around the world.
Sep 2006
When God created all things, He pronounced it "good" at each stage of creation and then "very good" at the end (Gen.1:31). Sin w…
Sep 2006
Paul's most complete resurrection teaching is found in 1 Cor. 15. The first 21 verses prove the resurrection in a manner consist…