Sep 2006
This morning as I awoke, the Lord spoke to tell me that the New Gideon's Army is to conduct a prayer campaign on Octob…
Sep 2006
It is quite normal that the Lord speaks to me in the morning as I awake to give me the theme of each day's web log. Today I awok…
Sep 2006
The Jerusalem Post has now posted an article online informing us that Rev. Jerry Falwell has accepted the "Dual Covenant" theolo…
Sep 2006
The idea of religious toleration is not new, but only in recent years has it been implemented with any degree of success. Carnal…
Sep 2006
It was the belief of many in the early Church that the devil and his angels would be "saved" in the end. They based this view on…
Sep 2006
When Theophilus of Alexandria first became involved in the Origenist controversy, he took the side of John of Jerusalem. But Jer…
Sep 2006
Though Origen was one of the most influential theologians of the third and fourth century, it is only natural that he also had e…
Sep 2006
When Origen went to Caesarea in 231 A.D., there were two brothers from a rich family in Neocaesarea in Pontus who came to study …