Jun 2006
The significance and divine purpose of the "God is Able" prayer campaign of June 15, 2006 is just now beginning to come to the s…
Jun 2006
I returned from a trip to Springfield, Illinois to drop off two granddaughters who have been visiting with us for the …
Jun 2006
In Part 5, I wrote about the "war of shields" in July of 2001 in which we took the archprince Theos captive. Reca…
Jun 2006
Thank-you to all of you who participated in the "God Is Able" Prayer Campaign yesterday. It was a big success, judging by the nu…
Jun 2006
Father, I have heard your voice, and so I approach you under the blood of Jesus and in His name. I declare that I forgive all wh…
Jun 2006
This prayer campaign is open to all. If you are hearing about this any time after today's date, you may participate by simply re…
Jun 2006
The Israeli newspaper, Haaretz, has posted an interesting article about Menachem Begin, entitled,
"Bombmaker tells Haar…
Jun 2006
In May of 2001 a dozen people were led to meet in Coer d'Alene, Idaho to discuss the Word of the Lord and to establish certain t…